Seeing the Future: Part 3

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I was doing the girls makeup for the ball, my red gown at my sides

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I was doing the girls makeup for the ball, my red gown at my sides. When I finished me and the two girls linked arms. We walked downstairs as Ginny left with Neville.

I stayed with Hermione and left her with Krum. When I entered the Hall eyes were on me as I walked over to the Twins.

"This is weird." I groan.

They both laughed. Then the dance began and soon everyone joined. Dean gave me a hand. And I laughed dancing with him. Then I spun to Cedric, "James gonna kill me." I hit his shoulder. Spinning to George, then to Fred, and finally Ron.

"You should have asked her, before." I looked over at Hermione.

"I wish I did I ask her."

"Next time." He nodded the song finished and I walked over to Harry.

"Come on SweetHeart It's only fair if I dance with you." He smiled taking my hand.

We danced with many others, "I'm gonna miss you Mom."

"Oh Harry, but I'll always be with you. Watching over you, with James. And I'm gonna regret not saying 'yes' to James earlier, and telling Peter. I'm sorry you have to live with my pig sister."

"And her son and husband." He snickers.

While Later
The boys left and I sat beside Hermione.
"Sweetie don't cry over Ronald. He's jealous you got a date with the boy he loves." She laughed.

"See there's your beautiful smile, come on let's go to bed." I grabbed her and walked to the common room.

Second Task
I stood by Dumbledore and the champions as they got ready to dive.

They all dived in and I smiled when I saw Harry was okay.
We all waited patiently.

Soon Cedric came up with Cho, I gave them a hot air charm. I learned from Remus. Then Fleur forfeited. And Victor came up with Hermione. I gave them a warming charm as well.

Ron and Fleurs sister came up and soon, I spotted Harry. He swam over and I helped him up.

Casting a hot air charm on him as I did with Cedric.

"Due to Reasons Mr. Diggory first place, Mr. Potter 2nd And Krum 3rd, Mrs. Delacour 4th." We cheered and I hugged Harry.

At Great Hall Next Week
Something felt weird as I realized soon I'd be going back soon.

I walked over to the main table I looked at McGonagall, "Professor it's almost time to go home." She nods tearing up.

"I'm gonna miss you. And James. I really don't want to say goodbye again. This will be our last time." She began sobbing uncontrollably.

Everyone looked over, as I hugged her tightly, then Hagrid, and Snape, Dumbledore And McGonagall again. As I said my goodbyes.

I walked over to the Gryffindor Table.

"I'm leaving."

"No, please stay." Harry cried, I hugged him.

"If I stayed, you wouldn't live." I cried. I hugged Hermione, Twins and everyone I had met for the past 4 months.

I hugged Harry tightly, "Take care Sweetheart, be careful. You learned what you can. I'm so sorry." I walked over to Dumbledore and McGonagall as I cried.

"Now if you haven't noticed this is Mrs. Potter in her younger form. She came to teach our hero's s few things. And today is the day she must go back. Home. To her time."

He looked at me, "Ready." I ran over to Harry real fast. And hugged him, "I'm sorry, remember we're always with you." I cried.

Walking back to McGonagall I hugged her, "Minnie, what about those biscuits." I sobbed she chuckled slightly.

I nodded at Dumbledore, "Obliviate." That's when my body began to fade as I disappeared, Hermione was holding Harry. As he cried so many tears.

I tried my hardest to keep all my memories, but they all faded away. As did Harry's face and everyone's I had meet. It's all gone.

I woke up to James holding me in his arms, I looked around.

"What happened? YN are you alright." He asked still holding me.

"I'm not sure, but I feel like I had a weird dream. We had a kid and I meet him. Apparently we were killed." I explain the strange dream.

"Are you finally admitting your feelings to me love."

"Oh please, I'd rather marry Severus." I ran away from him. He ran after me.

"Take that back." He ran after me.

He tackled me and he was above me. I stared into his brown eyes. Leaning up I kissed his cheek.

"Maybe one day Potter, but not today." I pushed him of running to the other three Marauders. And for some reason I was distant with Peter.

I forgot something? Someone? An event? Twins?

The boys stared at me wearily.

"Are you alright YN." James grabbed my shoulder.

"No, I forgot something! Something big? Something that will save us! James it wasn't a dream, I have to see Dumbledore." Tears streamed down my face as I ran away from them.

They ran after me.

I ran up the stairs to Dumbledore's office, the boys not far behind me.

"Professor, someone Obliviated me I need to figure out what?"

The boys all ran in breathing heavily.

"Miss. Evans. Come here. Look into this."

He showed me over to a pot. He muttered a spell and all these memories flooded back to me.

"Put your wand to your head and take out those memories." I nodded doing as told.

I looked over at the boys. Before I put my face in as I saw everything. I pulled away.


Hey Guys so this Part as in "Seeinh The Future" is now it's own book as some people requested it be so it's called "Time- James Potter" so if you liked this go check it out please!

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