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Not even an hour in and the red haired boy named Taehyung was already regretting his life choices. Then again, when was he not? Anyway- Taehyung's mom was ready to kick Taehyung out of the house he just returned to after months of being gone. "But, I literally just got back." Taehyung looked at his mother who was ready to pinch his cheeks but Taehyung moved away before she got the chance to even touch him, waiting for his mom to respond.

Seong Sooyoung, a thirty eight year old woman who is currently engaged to another man. Long story short, Taehyung's father, Kim Daeyoung and his mother both separated ways when he was nine and his sister was just turning eleven. Taehyung chose his dad and his sister chose her mom. There really wasn't any fights over anything. They both took turns going back and forth for family gatherings. Until now of course, now Taehyung lived with his mother since there were a lot more opportunities in Seoul rather than Daegu. He loves Daegu but, modeling and photography wasn't /that/ huge over there.

Reasoning why he is here and also being shipped away the next day just to go to a camp he had no interest in. "Taehyung, I love you but I was already planning this before you decided to come live with us. It'll be fun. A good experience." ?? This made Taehyung feel things and welcomed wasn't one of them. "Yeah! Even though my son of a burnt nugget ex boyfriend goes there as well, It's fun. A lot of activities. The only con really is no internet.. oh! And waking up early but thats all." EonJin, Taehyung's sister spoke while she ate her food, swinging her feet back and forth.

Taehyung internally sighed as he looked at both of the girls. Also... son of a burnt nugget huh? yeah, that's his sister. Mature right? "This is why I went with dad, you girls have some kind of girl power." Taehyung mumbled and his mother laughed, kissing his forehead. "You two leave at eight tomorrow." She mumbled before kissing Taehyung's forehead yet again just to annoy her son. With a chuckle, she walked off to grab the rice.

"Please tell me you mean eight in the evening." Taehyung turned to his mother who looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Taehyung sighed and let his head rest on the table. "Do I have a choice to go back to dad?" He asked, half joking as he felt his sister slap his head. "I love dad but this is also some good sibling bonding time." She stuffed her face with the food in front of her after giving Taehyung a slap and that oh so convincing speech that he should go.

Taehyung mocked her facial expression before earning a slap to the arm. "Ow! EonJin! stop slapping me will you??" Taehyung whined as he rubbed his arm and looked at his mother. Looking at her for some sort of help but she brushed it off. "Respect your elders." EonJin stuck her tongue out and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I respect my elders. Just not you." He is sixteen and she is seventeen turning eighteen in a month yet she treated Taehyung like he was an actual baby.

"Whatever. I'm going to go pack for this.. I need a lot of mosquito spray because those ugly ass bugs love biting me." He mumbled with annoyance. "Language Taehyung!" Sooyoung looked at her son who laughed out of disbelief. "You— I literally just called those blood sucking wanna be vampires ugly." he scoffed quietly as Sooyoung sighed and shook her head. "Go unpack Taehyung." She spoke to Taehyung who was still confused.

Even so, Taehyung rolled his eyes and chuckled as he made his way up the stairs and into his well decorated room. Even though Taehyung didn't grow up with his mom most years, she seemed to know his style. Taehyung sat himself on the bed and pulled his suitcase onto his bed. Now to unpack what he didn't need to take. In all honesty though Taehyung did end up unpacking all of it due to not knowing what he wanted to take. God he hated packing.

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