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Eventually morning came by quicker than Taehyung thought it would. He could barely process the whole situation since he was being rushed around even though he was half asleep. "Taehyung! Hurry up!" His mother called the boy from downstairs, the three ready to leave the house. Meanwhile, Taehyung was slowly brushing his teeth while his eyes were closed and he was still in his pyjamas. The boy had gotten way to used to falling asleep late and waking up late since it was summer break, so his mother couldn't really blame him. He simply did not get time to figure out his sleeping patterns.

Taehyung wiped his mouth after he brushed his teeth and swished water in his mouth. Just as he was about to wash his face, EonJin walked into the bathroom. The door hitting Taehyung's arm once it swung open. "Ow." He sucked in a breath and rubbed his arm. EonJin groaned. "He's not even dressed!" He yelled to her mom who was still downstairs.

Taehyung only smiled but EonJin shook her head, grabbing Taehyung's clothes and grabbing Taehyung's hand before dragging him out and downstairs. "I need to get dressed!" He whined as he tried to stop EonJin. "Jimin is in the vehicle, lets go." She huffed as she pulled Taehyung along, their mom locking the door once they were out of the house.

Once Taehyung was in the vehicle, he whined like a little kid since he looked like an absolute mess. "This isn't fair, I didn't even wanna go!" He complained, taking off his shirt to change into his other white shirt while putting a denim jacket on. "Don't look Jiminie." He made the boy turn away for whatever reason. Not like Jimin hadn't seen everything before but okay.

Taehyung changed into black jeans and tucked in his white shirt, groaning as he looked at his hair. "Mom, seriously." He whined once again, so over everything so he thought whining would get him out of this mess. "I'm hungry." He spoke and his sister shrugged. "Should have woken up earlier huh?" She looked at Taehyung who rolled his eyes and sat back. 

Once they arrived, EonJin ran to the tables where they sign up and such. "Hi, sorry can we still..?" She bit her lips and the female who was sitting their gave a sigh before she shook her head. "No, I'm so—" as she was going to continue, a male came, grabbing the clipboard. "Name?" He asked as he clicked his pen and smiled at Eonjin. EonJin smiled and went stand by the male. "Kim EonJin, I have two others with me as well." She pursed her lips and the male nodded. "And what are their names?" He asked as he looked at EonJin with a small smile. "Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin."

With that, Taehyung was standing near a bus, watching some worker put his bag with the rest. "I gotta go into the other bus with EonJin, i'll see you in a few hours." Jimin scruffed up Taehyung's hair. The boy gulped, now he had to sit in a bus filled with random ass people. This morning was not going well and he hated it. He couldn't even get his mom to change her mind. Taehyung was literally planning his escape as he looked at the bus but— atlas, he had no choice but to get on that stupid bus.

"Y-Yeah, okay.." Taehyung pursed his lips and nodded. A huff soon coming Taehyung as he looked at the bus in front of him. Jimin smiled and kissed Taehyung's cheek. Something they used to do before Taehyung moved away and he was very happy that Jimin carried it on. "See you Jiminie." The boy smiled and hurried to the door and got onto the bus.

Taehyung froze, looking around the bus once he noticed that every seat had been occupied. Either being one to a seat or two to a seat. Which meant he had no choice but to sit with someone. "Go sit kid." The driver spoke and Taehyung nodded. Taehyung slowly started to walk and just as he did, the driver started off fast causing the bus to jerk. Taehyung grabbed onto a seat but ended up falling back. "Agh." The boy groaned at the sudden impact he made with the floor. ".. You okay cutie?"

Taehyung looked up, seeing a very handsome boy in front of him. A black haired male who was wearing a white long sleeve with yellow on the shoulder part leading down to his elbows since it was rolled up. The jeans he were wearing were light blue with ripped parts, making Taehyung gulp.

The male pulled down his face mask and held out his hand. Taehyung bit his lip as he grabbed onto the hand and got up but again, the bus came to a holt so he stumbled onto the boy. God this bus driver sucked! Though, Taehyung was quick to move away and hide his blushing cheeks with his hands, cupping his own face before he cleared his throat.

"Hey, you two, sit down." The driver called out. How about you drive safer?!?? Taehyung bit his tongue and looked back. Finally remembering he was in a bus. Taehyung nodded and was about to sit next to a random girl until the random male got into his seat and patted the seat next to him. Taehyung looked around and pointed at himself as if it wasn't obvious.

The male chuckled and nodded. Taehyung made an 'o' shape before he nodded and sat next to the male who was chuckling. "You're cute." He smiled and Taehyung slumped back in his seat, blushing even more than before. The compliments were sudden but.. it was nice. Suddenly the stranger held out his hand. "Jeon Jungkook, you?" Jungkook tilted his head, taking an interest in the boy he didn't know.

Taehyung looked at the male named Jungkook before he grabbed onto his hand and shook it. "Kim Taehyung.." he muttered lowly. Jungkook's eye's widened slightly before he shook his head and pulled his hand away. Taking a moment for himself but he was quick to recover himself. "Ah, nice name. Suits you." Jungkook complimented and Taehyung nodded. "T-Thanks.. you have a nice name as well?" Not sure if he was complimenting Jungkook back or asking a question— it was all overwhelming for Taehyung considering this stranger Jungkook was calling him cute.

Jungkook laughed. "Was that a compliment or question?" He asked and Taehyung chuckled. "It was suppose to be a compliment." He pursed his lips and Jungkook cooed, ruffling up Taehyung's red hair. "The hair is very unique, makes you look like a squishy tomato." Now Taehyung didn't know if that was an insult or compliment but either way, he felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at Jungkook. "How old are you Taehyung-ah?" Jungkook asked, his head tilting. "S-Sixteen.." Taehyung mumbled out and Jungkook dragged out a hum. "I'm your hyung then." He winked playfully.

That wink made Taehyung almost jump out of the bus. He felt so jittery, a feeling he never really felt before but come on... this boy was super fucking hot and was also hitting on Taehyung, he couldn't not feel something. "Oh.. mm ah, how old are you?" Taehyung asked so he could quickly change the topic and Jungkook smiled. "Seventeen, i'll be eighteen in September, how about you?" He asked, playing with Taehyung's red hair which Taehyung oddly loved.

"Seventeen in December.." Taehyung spoke and leaned into Jungkook's touch. A smirk made it's way onto Jungkook's lips as he nodded. "Now you gotta call me hyung." He teased and Taehyung chuckled. "I don't even call Jiminie my hyung." He scoffed.l at Jungkook's words. "Jiminie..? Is he perhaps Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah.. do you know him?" He looked at Jungkook who shrugged. "We go to the same school." He simply said, booping Taehyung's nose while Taehyung blushed.

"Well, i'm not Jiminie. I'm Jungkook, and you Kim Taehyung, will call me hyung." Jungkook raised an eyebrow and Taehyung gulped. Was that a command? Because that was actually really cute— now if Jungkook was not that fucking hot Taehyung would surely be creeped out but— it was harmless flirting, whatever. "And if I don't?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook removed his hands from Taehyung's hair, placing his fingers under Taehyung's chin and tilting his head up. Jungkook leaned in and soon enough his lips were ghosting over Taehyung's. "You'll find out princess." He pulled away with a light chuckle. Oh god.. Taehyung was not prepared for this trip.

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