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The next day was probably the shittiest Taehyung had ever felt since he found out he was being used. Firstly his feelings were clear for Jungkook and he was happy. Taehyung was very happy to know where he wanted to be with Jungkook but he couldn't. He couldn't do it because his sister truly did hate him and she didn't have to tell Taehyung because Taehyung already knew. It broke his heart knowing he couldn't be with the person he loves but it also broke his heart even more knowing his sister hated him.

Taehyung felt completely dead honestly. All he did was lay in his bed, curled up with earphones in his ears and music blasting. Probably going to be deaf from the volume being all the way but Taehyung didn't care. He just wanted to rot. Taehyung needed to give his sister time but how? How can he do that? He just wants to beg and plead for forgiveness but when he was mad at Jimin, he didn't want Jimin anywhere near him so he guessed he knew how EonJin felt.

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling and pursed his lips before grabbing eevee and holding it close. He moved onto his side and blinked repeatedly. Until Jimin was in his view and his earphones were being removed. "Stop this, lets go." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him off the top bunk which resulted in Taehyung grabbing onto Jimin and trying not to hit the floor to hard with his feet because, ouch.

"I want to stay in here Jimin, let me stay in here." Taehyung pulled his hand away and Jimin rolled his eyes. "Shut up. You're not staying in here. We have three days left. This day to get EonJin's forgiveness, tomorrow you can go to the dance with Jungkook and the last day you guys can get together. See? Planned, lets go!" Jimin pulled Taehyung who scoffed but followed. Jimin proud of his little plan he made up on the spot." Jungkook and I are never happening." He mumbled while Jimin rolled his eyes, knowing damn well they were getting together.

As Taehyung got pulled, all he could think about was where EonJin was. Maybe she was still in her cabin.. or maybe with her group.. he just wants his big sister. That's all he needs right now. Instead he got Jungkook and the other boys and this time, Taehyung was not the one ignoring Jungkook but this time, Jungkook was the one ignoring Taehyung. Once the male saw Taehyung, he grabbed his things and said a goodbye to his friends before hurrying off.

Jungkook assumed he had no chance so he had to get over that little crush shit soon because he was not about to cry over someone he barely knew. Then again he was kind of in love with someone he barely knew huh? Never has he had anyone not want him and that was a fact. Though with Taehyung it was different. The male kept walking until he felt a pull to his shirt and a little stretch was heard as he looked back just to get slapped. Someone that escaped home to get away from the abuse was still getting abused at camp, great.

Jungkook pursed his lips and let the burn calm down before looking at EonJin who had tears in her eyes. "He didn't know you were my ex.." she spoke with a broken tone. Jungkook only nodded and yet again, he was slapped. "You asshole! Why did you sleep with him then?! My baby brother Jungkook. You slept with my baby brother for what exactly?!" she raised he voice and before she could hit Jungkook again, Jungkook grabbed her wrist.

"Because you slept with my big brother EonJin! You had sex with my brother so I had to get you back! You two timing bitch!" Jungkook's tone changed to a defensive one. Tears threatening to fall making Jungkook's eyes look glossy but he didn't break. Not in front of her. "And I know how you feel EonJin but you know what hurts more? You knew he was my brother. You both knew! And you still let him fuck you! So we're in the same boat. You got to know how I felt! How much pain I was in!" Jungkook raised his voice but not enough to fully yell at her. Just to get his point across, get his side out in the open.

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