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Fast forwarding to the next day. Taehyung laid in bed, sleeping peacefully until Jimin jumped on top of him. Heck his ass h u r t and it being rubbed into the somewhat hard bed was not helping at all. "J-Jimin! Ow!" He almost yelled but he was being tickled as well. That was the most painful shit ever.

"C'mon sleepy head, you missed breakfast already and now it's lunch." Jimin poked at Taehyung's side and Taehyung flinched. "Mm, okay." He mumbled and pushed Jimin away. "I'll be right there, chill." Taehyung spoke with a yawn and Jimin nodded, kissing Taehyung's cheek quickly and removing himself.

Taehyung didn't care for the cheek kiss, he smiled lightly but cuddled up with his eevee plushie and closed his eyes. He was too comfortable and his ass hurt to much to even walk down that shit hill and have his cheeks rubbing together, nah, he'll pass. Instead Taehyung decided to starve. Luckily there were no activities because of the storm but if there was, you would catch him faking his death just to get out of the activities.

Eventually, Jimin did bring him back some food and Taehyung was happily eating. Thanking every god for Jimin not letting him starve. Everything was great, though he hadn't seen Jungkook since he fell asleep. It kind of worried him. Maybe he wasn't good? God maybe he was horrible at it. Basically the only thing running through his head the whole entire day.

"Hey.. Jiminie?" Taehyung moved onto Jimin's bed. Jimin only hummed, looking through his bag. Taehyung wasn't sure if he should ask but hell, he was curious. "How do you know if someone enjoyed the uh.. nasty.." he whispered, his nails scratching at the sheets. That caused Jimin's eyes to widened.

"What do you mean Taehyung?!" He asked, more than worried. If Taehyung slept with Jungkook— god fucking dammit. "I.. uh.. Jiminie.. I kind of, maybe, had sex with Jungkook?" Taehyung shrugged, biting his lip. Hell he even looked a bit heartbroken because he was sure he was probably the worst person Jungkook had ever slept with and that fucking sucked.

Jimin felt his heart stop. The world stopped just for a few seconds, the male couldn't believe what he just said. Oh, oh he screwed up. He should have told Tae— but— fuck! wait no, no okay no everything is fine, as long as Taehyung doesn't find out. Okay, great okay. "I uh, don't know Taehyung." He forced a smile. Not sure what to say or how to go about the situation. Guilt eating Jimin up but he pushed it aside.

Taehyung frowned and picked at his shirt. "I just.. I thought he liked it Jiminie.. but I think he's avoiding me now.." Taehyung bit his lip harshly and Jimin wanted to hug the younger because his little 'camp romance' was over with Jungkook and only Jimin knew. "I'm sure that's not it Tae, don't worry okay? He's probably just busy." And now he was lying... even more?? God Jimin.

Taehyung nodded and pursed his lips. Leaning on Jimin who looked back at his bag. He was going to fucking kill Jungkook. He swore he was going to— fuck he was steaming mad but he couldn't show it. Not to Taehyung at least. "Would you like to go get some water for the cabin with me Taehyungie?" He asked. Wanting to get Taehyung to stop thinking about Jungkook.

Jimin smiled when he saw Taehyung's mood brighten up a bit as he nodded. "Okay, great." Jimin kissed Taehyung's cheek and got off the bunk. "We'll be back." Jimin told the others and grabbed Taehyung's hand, dragging him out of the cabin with an umbrella. The two walked in silence, Taehyung seemingly enjoying himself.

"You're going to slip if you keep walking like that Taehyung, the mud is slippery." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's collar and pulled him towards him but instead his collar ripped a bit and the hickeys were clear. Jimin's eyes widened, looking at the mark that was given from Jungkook. "Whats wr—" Taehyung looked at where Jimin was looking and quickly covered himself up.

"He must of really went out on you." Jimin scratched his neck. Why did he suddenly feel jealous? but the guilt?? the fucking guilt was heavy. Taehyung on the other hand slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah.." he spoke and shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. "Oh look the cafeteria!" He smiled and hurried over with Jimin. Jimin gave the umbrella to Taehyung and went to grab a case of water bottles.

As Taehyung waited, he swayed side to side and sighed, listening to the rain hit the top of the roof. "Taehyung, go get a box of tissues, I forgot Yoongi asked. Uh, they're in the storage room." Jimin huffed, placing the case on the table. Taehyung whined yet dragged his feet to the storage room. "Why do we even need tissues?" He questioned as he opened the door.

Though once Taehyung opened the door, he couldn't believe what he saw. He really couldn't. "O-Oh, Taehyung, hey, l-long time no see." Chaeyoung, his sisters best friend awkwardly laughed, pulling up her panties while Jungkook quickly pulled up his pants, looking elsewhere. Taehyung was frozen but immediately shook it off.

"Yeah hey, sorry, I just.." Taehyung didn't finish as he walked in and grabbed the box of tissues but instead grabbed two. "Carry on." Is all he said as he walked out. As he did so, he felt as if his heart just broke into a million pieces. He wanted to cry, but he didn't want to worry Jimin so instead he sucked it up. That's all he could do really.

"I said a box of tissues Taehyungie, not two." Jimin chuckled and Taehyung forced a chuckle. "Y-Yeah, sorry." He shrugged. "Lets go." Taehyung started walking with the umbrella in his hand and the tissues in his other hand. The whole way, Taehyung had his lips pursed, a tear or two made its way down his cheek but he played it off by yawning.

Once they got back to the cabin, Taehyung grabbed random clothing. "I'm going to the showers." He spoke and left immediately. Taehyung really couldn't handle it. What did he do wrong? Did he not satisfy Jungkook? Maybe it was because he confessed to early? It was all too early in general what the fuck was he thinking? Did Jungkook just... use him? Was he used? That couldn't be— right?! They had a genuine connection— or well.. Taehyung thought they did.

Gulping, Taehyung looked around and saw not much people. Taehyung took off his shoes and socks and placed it into the lockers with the rest of his clean clothing. Walking into a stall with his shirt and pants on, Taehyung didn't come to clean himself. He came to cry and since he had no where else to cry, this was the best place. Atleast he could make up an excuse like 'soap got into my eyes'.

Taehyung slid down on the wall of the stall, the water running down on him and soaking his clothes. Taehyung broke into a sob, his hand covered over his mouth to stop the hiccups. The cry he held in for so long escaped but he tried to stop himself. He rocked himself gently. He was played wasn't he? He was just, some toy. Just a stupid toy.

Taehyung didn't know how to feel towards Jungkook. Was he suppose to hate him? Because it sure didn't feel like he hated him. God he fell way to easily and way to fast. Though that was his fault for letting Jungkook in so easily wasn't it?

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