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The next day, Taehyung was the last to awake but was obviously not the last to leave the cabin. Both boys, Jimin and Jungkook stayed back hoping one of them would leave and the other would be able to explain to Taehyung but in their case, they both ended up staying and Taehyung ended up slamming the door on both of them once they said his name.

Pissed and heartbroken but Taehyung should be used to it shouldn't he? Jungkook did it before and now Jimin. Though— Jimin certainly was a shocker. Whole lotta snakes around him. Not wanting to think about the situation, Taehyung started thinking of the games. They haven't won a game yet but they still had a chance. Sure his stomach hurt but he was fine, he thinks at least. Taehyung was sure his eyes hurt more than his stomach anyways.

"Taehyung—" Bogum was heard and Taehyung immediately stopped walking to look back at the boy hurrying over. Taehyung gulped, rubbing his arm as he looked at the ground. "Hey.." Bogum spoke once he was standing in front of Taehyung. "Come speak with one of Jungkook's many sluts?" Taehyung spoke with his head down, he felt disgusted saying so but it was true, wasn't it? He was just another person Jungkook slept with. "Taehyung.. no, you're not just another slut- I mean, fuck." Bogum rubbed his face and Taehyung looked up. "Okay." Bogum breathed in and out before speaking yet again.

"You're not a slut Taehyung. I was wrong for saying so but can you blame me? I.. I really like you and when I found him on top of you, I don't know, it hurt me. Now, I know you probably don't even like me because we haven't even been friends for long have we? But.. I know you because of EonJin and even before.. I don't— fuck I sound so fucking silly and I seem like a stalker, i'm sorry—"

Taehyung looked at Bogum with a bit confused face but he was also quite surprised by the sudden confession. "How do you know me? I know you and EonJin are best friends but—" Taehyung suddenly gasped as he remembered. "Y-You were the one who was always wearing a dress— just a few months before I moved with my dad.." Taehyung suddenly brought up the memory. Not even mad about what Bogum said before because honestly? he felt it was true anyway and Taehyung was tired of arguing. If Bogum thinks he had a right then so be it.

Bogum blushed out of embarrassment and nodded. "I mean— I grew up with four sisters, me wearing a dress was normal for my family, maybe why I turned out gay but that ain't the reason for this talk. I'm sorry.. okay? I was mad and I let my anger get in the way and—" before he could finish, Taehyung was on his tippy toes, a fistful of Bogum's shirt in his hands and connecting their lips. Bogum was surely surprised, but he was very happy to be sharing a kiss with the boy he always found adorable. Of course EonJin knew about the little crush, the whole reason Bogum was now kissing Taehyung. The kiss was short yet passionate. Once Taehyung pulled away, Bogum opened his eyes slowly and blinked multiple times.

"I like you too Bogum.." Taehyung gave a weak smile as his thumb caressed Bogum's cheek. Taehyung really did like Bogum, as a friend. Though maybe eventually he would like Bogum more than a friend? Taehyung was confused about himself, about his feelings. Taehyung honestly just didn't want to feel what he was feeling. Taehyung... loves Jungkook but he doesn't want to. So he guessed anyone could say he was using Bogum to get over Jungkook. He really went that low huh? Pathetic... but he didn't care.

Bogum smiled widely as he leaned in and yet again, connected his lips with Taehyung's. Just like how Taehyung found Jungkook and Chaeyoung, Jungkook stood from afar, holding the plastic cup filled with water as he watched the two kiss. Something about seeing Taehyung kiss another... made his heart ache? and he knew he shouldn't feel like that. His heart shouldn't hurt right now but it does.

A lump was felt within Jungkook's throat, the male loosening his grip on the cup and letting it fall. He hasn't felt the pain in his chest since he found out EonJin slept with his brother and that is what he did not want to feel with Taehyung.. but here he is. Feeling the stinging pain in his chest as he watched the boy kiss another. Though Jungkook knew he deserved it. Taehyung deserved a guy who wouldn't ruin him and that's all Jungkook's been doing. Biting his lip harshly, Jungkook turned his foot and walked away with an ache in his heart.

"Taehyung, you'll be in the cen—" the person leading the team for volleyball spoke but Taehyung shook his head. "No way, i'll end up with a broken nose." Taehyung stepped back and the coach sighed before nodding. Agreeing to that since Taehyung happened to be the one who got hurt most during the games. Moving onto the other person and Bogum came up behind Taehyung, kissing his neck once.

"I'm really happy I can kiss you." Bogum whispered and Taehyung smiled, leaning back on the boy before slapping his cheeks lightly in a playful manner. "Me too now go win for this team or we'll be the losing mustard team." Taehyung spoke and Bogum rolled his eyes, kissing the boy quickly before running off. Two flings in just barely three weeks, way to go Taehyung.

Okay Taehyung knew this whole thing was wrong and fucked up but the pain of being heartbroken was not what he wanted to feel. Bogum filled that void Taehyung wished to have. Taehyung may have not liked Bogum the way he should but.. oh for fuck sakes Taehyung was being selfish while trying to fool himself into liking Bogum but Jungkook did the same! ... and Bogum doesn't deserve this just like how Taehyung knew he didn't deserve that. God his thoughts were all over the place.

Jungkook watched yet again, practicing his hits and when he threw the ball up, he forcefully hit the ball which ended up further than he expected. "Fucking booger..." Jungkook mumbled as he went sit on the grass next to his teammates. Why was he so fucking bothered? He never used to be this bothered by anyone and he means anyone! Fuck this feeling. As he waited, he looked at the other two teams playing. Jimin vs EonJin was pretty entertaining.

They seemed to having fun but it was a whole different game with the yellow and blue team. Almost dead silent with the only words being said 'yep' or 'got it' Jungkook lost himself in his thoughts, looking at the ground as he thought about what happened that night he came home from practice. Something he didn't like to remember but at the most random times, he would think back. Worst timing too because it always made Jungkook so mad... so mad because he didn't want to think back to that moment.

When he walked into his room to find his headset gone. Jungkook's older brother was always known to steal his headset and Jungkook was so fed up with that. As he walked towards the room, he could hear moaning and he was disgusted but as Jungkook was about to walk in, he heard the words 'EonJin' and of course the moans that belonged to her.

Jungkook remembered how hurt he felt and how much he wanted to cry and ask why she did that. What did he do for her to do so? But he didn't. Not sure why he didn't but.. he just didn't. Jungkook felt like a fool if he was being honest.. and he just didn't want to admit that he was the one who got cheated on. Jungkook simply stepped away, tears streaming down his face as he left his house yet again. He tried to forget EonJin did so with his brother but he couldn't.

Anytime he would see his brother, he would think of EonJin and him together. So Jungkook broke up with EonJin without even giving a reason why but that didn't stop him from fooling around with Jimin first. Jimin was just... there and he was heartbroken, so he just let it happen. Jimin already gave hints to Jungkook when he was with Eonjin and so— he went with it. Jungkook didn't want to embarrass her or anything. So he broke it off without an explanation and he became the bad guy. It was whatever though, at least his brother was happy.

"Jungkook!" The boy snapped his fingers in front of Jungkook and Jungkook broke out of his thoughts. "We're playing, c'mon." He nudged Jungkook and Jungkook nodded, getting up and giving out his 'bad boy' kind of vibe. Which was just him looking mean and cold, like usual but anytime he looked at Taehyung that side of him just disappeared. Like he said, there was always two sides of every story wasn't there?

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