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Taehyung clearly was not thinking straight but he didn't care. All he needed to remind himself was that him and Jungkook will never work out. Never ever.. and this was all for fun! and to satisfy Jungkook's dumb fantasy so he carried on. "Okay, let me just.." Taehyung put his legs in the air and Jungkook held them, spreading them open so he could get in between them. Taehyung gulped and nodded. "There. Simple position." He looked at Jungkook who stared at him.

They both wanted to laugh and— it was comfortable? in a way. It was like two friends were just playing around but that friendship type of vibe changed quickly as Jungkook gulped and actually thought about the position. "This is a simple position?" Jungkook asked, his hands running up and down Taehyung's legs until they rested at his thighs. Taehyung felt his heart beat fasten as he nodded slowly. Taehyung found it pretty simple.

Never going to happen Taehyung, you two don't work. This does not work— Jungkook lowered Taehyung's legs and without a thought, Taehyung sat up and grabbed onto Jungkook's collar and connected their lips together. Well fuck. His body was against his thoughts. Jungkook didn't take a minute to even think before he was responding to the kiss but it lasted shortly as Taehyung came back to reality and pulled away. "I-" he looked at Jungkook who immediately removed himself since he knew for a fact Taehyung would push him away.

Taehyung rubbed his face and shook his hands. "No no.. no that didn't happen.. I.. oh my god." Taehyung got up and put his shoes on. As he was about to walk out, Jungkook grabbed his wrist and Taehyung looked at the boy in confusion. "Taehyung.. please you know you like me and I like you.. why won't you let us happen? I fucked up okay? I get it but I love you now and I.. you make me happy. It was a game at first.. that's true but eventually it was more than just a game because I developed feelings for you.. Taehyung please just let me show you.." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with the most heart broken expression but Taehyung shook his head.

"I.. I can't Jungkook.. not with you." Is all he said as he pulled his arm away and left the cabin immediately. Jungkook watched Taehyung until he was not in sight. Jungkook stepped back until his feet hit the bed and he was sitting down. Rubbing his face, Jungkook shook his head. "I really fucked up.." he spoke to himself. "You really did." A voice was heard and Jungkook looked to see Jimin walking into the cabin. Jungkook shrugged and chuckled. "Whats new huh? I'm always fucking up." He sighed as he picked at the rip on his jeans. Jimin looked around before sitting next to Jungkook.

"Taehyung is.. a really stubborn guy. Even more stubborn since you played with him. You broke him Jungkook.. and you can't blame him for not wanting you. He's afraid. He was your toy and he knows that. Though even so.. I know Taehyung. Deep down he loves you. Yes, love. He loves you so much that he is willing to try become friends. Taehyung doesn't even like Bogum. He says he does but he doesn't." Jimin looked at Jungkook while Jungkook was staring at the wooden floor.

Jungkook shook his head. "He likes Bogum." Is all he said and Jimin scoffed. "No.. maybe a friend but as a lover? No. The way he looks at Bogum is totally different from the way he looks at you. The way he talks about Bogum is more friendly and with you, it might be half mean things but most of the time he really is head over heels for you Jungkook.. and I hate you for hurting him but you make him happy, somehow, someway. Taehyung is just really scared. Give him time." Jimin nudged Jungkook.

Jungkook took a minute before looking and Jimin and nodding. "Okay.. yeah, i'll give him time.. but summer camp ends soon and I don't know if he'll change his mind about me. Besides.. Bogum is the better person here, right? Taehyung deserves the better person.. Taehyung deserves Bogum." Jungkook played with his fingers before he sighed. "I'm going to take a nap, go make sure he doesn't run into a skunk." Jungkook forced a chuckle before getting on his top bunk.

Taehyung bit his nails as he hurried to the cafeteria to grab a bottled water but when he arrived he almost puked when he saw his sister and one of the counselors in the cafeteria room where he lost his virginity to Jungkook. Taehyung immediately turned around and shook his head. "Ew, ew fucking hormonal ass fucking poop sticks." Taehyung shivered while walking away. Then it hit him- didn't EonJin say she still liked Jungkook?!.. but.. why was she making out with. Well.. it's definitely not the craziest thing that happened here.

Taehyung touched his lips and frowned as he thought about the what ifs. What if he and Jungkook could make it? What if Jungkook did truly change? What if. There were so much what ifs but what he was most scared of was losing his sister and the bond they have. He was also scared that Jungkook would fool him again and he was not ready for another heartbreak from him. Not again, not ever. Taehyung removed his fingers from his lips and pursed them instead.

Taehyung shook his head and made his way to the picnic tables. In all honesty, he couldn't wait to go back home and forget it all happened. He couldn't wait to forget Jungkook and move forward with Bogum. He thinks at least. Bogum was a good guy and he likes Taehyung.. so Taehyung should be with the good guy and he wants to be with the good guy, he thinks.. then there was Jungkook.. god where does he start.

Jeon Jungkook, probably one of the most problematic people he has ever met. He is a troublemaker and a heartbreaker. He could be soft at times but most times he is just a complete asshole. Then again.. he is funny and sweet.. when he wants to be of course. Jungkook makes him feel some sort of way and just to mention, he was really hot. So if his sister did find out he slept with her ex.. he wouldn't admit to regretting it because even if he was played. That was probably one of the best nights ever. Best days of his life actually.

Because he loves Jungkook.. but he would never admit that to himself.. at least right now. He just... needed time to think everything over but time was not going to stop for him as the camp was nearing its end and he still had the Eonjin situation. If he really saw something with Jungkook he would need to tell Eonjin but.. he just can't. He can't do that. The fear of everything around him stopped him.

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