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The next night was just like any other day taking the drama away. Thank god because Taehyung was done with that. At least for now cause who knew who would show up and end up saying they slept with Jungkook too. Taehyung was trying the whole day to remove Jungkook from his head but he couldn't— no matter how much he tried, he just couldn't. Taehyung was suppose to hate him, despise him, but he couldn't. Did it hurt to think of Jungkook? all the time.

A lot of people would probably scoff and tell him to get over it, he only knew him for what? Two days before sleeping with him? The thing was, It didn't feel like two days. With Jungkook it felt like he knew him longer than that. They opened up to each other and Taehyung just felt safe with the male. He loved his presence and still does but it doesn't help his feelings. He loves Jungkook no doubt, but he can't forgive him. It was all confusing.

A love hate relationship is what Taehyung could really explain. Deep down Taehyung knows he loves Jungkook and deep down he knew he should probably just request to leave but he didn't want to. If he is going to leave the camp early, he would like to be sent away just so Jungkook knows he didn't win and he didn't break Taehyung, even if he did. Jungkook broke Taehyung and Taehyung was okay with it because even if it did hurt, those few days before finding out, those days were the best days he felt since his family was together.

Taehyung sat on his bed and looked at Namjoon who was cuddling with Seokjin on the single bed. A wave of emotions hit through him, remembering the night he and Jungkook were just chilling in the cabin while everyone else was having a fire. He remembered having some stupid talk with Jungkook and how they laughed, How Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and how he held him tight. He remembered how his lips felt and how soft the bed was when Jungkook laid him down.

Then again, it was all a game and Jungkook was probably a pro at making people feel like they were the only person in the world that mattered. When really, he was just one of the few people he used when he got bored. Taehyung removed his gaze from the couple and looked at his hands after seeing the two look at each other in the most loving way and hold hands. A small smile made its way on his lips.

Taehyung loved the feeling of Jungkook's bigger hands wrap around his and how he would tease him but also kiss his fingers afterwards. The male continued to stare at his fingers until the door was slammed. "Dude, chill." Yoongi woke up to look at Jungkook who sucked in a breath. "Sorry." He mumbled and began to dry his hair with the towel in his hands. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was looking at him too.

Jungkook was surprised that Taehyung didn't look away from him when Taehyung realized he was looking at him. Instead, they kept eye contact until Taehyung broke it and got up from the bed to grab his phone. Jungkook looked at Jimin and watched him look at Taehyung. "Taehyung, can we please.." Jimin moved to the bed Taehyung was on but Taehyung got up and removed himself from the bed. Walking out of the cabin, Taehyung looked at his phone.

Jungkook watched Jimin try walk after him but instead, Jungkook stopped Jimin. "I'll talk to him-" he tried to finish but Jimin pulled his arm away. "You did enough talking Jun—" Jungkook stopped him this time. "You and Tae both like to interrupt me when I speak you know that? Just let me talk to him, i'm the one that caused this, i'll fix it." Jungkook looked at Jimin who gulped. "I should be the one to-" Jimin tried to explain.

"Jimin." Jungkook started off as he then looked at the door with a groan. Taehyung would probably be out of sight by the time he got outside. "Just trust me okay? I'll fix it." Jungkook assured Jimin as he dropped the towel and hurried out the door to catch up to Taehyung. Jimin stood there, fiddling with his fingers as he then sighed and closed his eyes. He was such a coward but.. he trusted Jungkook.

Taehyung held his phone up as he tried to get service. After he left the cabin, Taehyung decided to check if Bogum was okay but he couldn't if he didn't have fucking service. So Taehyung took a walk and he ended up at the first place the buses dropped them off. Though there was still no service. All he wanted was to hear Bogum's voice and the hear it was going to be okay and that they'd see each other in a week. A week and three days exactly.

Though that didn't happen. Instead, he heard footsteps and a voice he did not want to hear. ".. you walked a long way." Jungkook continued to walk until he was standing next to Taehyung. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who kept his phone in the air and walked away. Jungkook sighed as he followed. "Taehyung, just listen. You don't have to speak, just listen." He spoke out as Taehyung kept walking.

"This ain't about me. This is about Jimin because you two are best friends—" Jungkook started off. "Were." Taehyung finally spoke but kept walking. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You guys are best friends Taehyung. You love him more than you love yourself. You two basically grew up together right? He is your person and no one can break that bond. Not even me. I got in the way, I know that but he loves you and he misses his best friend. He misses you Taehyung. I screwed your friendship up and.. I care for you both so please, don't be mad at him. I am to blame for all of this."

"And you're the one to blame for Jimin not telling me too?" Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook. "Because no matter what you threatened Jimin, I would have believed him because he was my best fucking friend and he still couldn't tell me the baggage that came with you! I'm so sick of you! of him! You both knew and didn't think god damn once about my feelings until it was too fucking late!" Taehyung yelled out, his voice breaking but he kept his words strong.

Jungkook stood there, looking at the ground for a moment as he then looked at Taehyung. He was right. Jungkook didn't care until it was too late. "I..." Jungkook started off but he didn't know what else to say. "... I'm the one to blame Taehyung. I dragged Jimin into this and I dragged you— I started this and Jimin is the only person I know you have that makes you happy. You don't have to forgive me but please... forgive Jimin not for me but for that friendship you two have. Don't let me ruin that." Jungkook genuinely sounded sorry as Taehyung listened.

Taehyung's anger slowly subsided through the speech Jungkook suddenly broke out on him and his phone was in his pocket after awhile. Jungkook really listened. When Taehyung was talking about his life and his family and how Jimin was always there. Jungkook listened and now he was doing this? Taehyung gulped as he looked at his phone home screen. It was him and Jimin making the most ugly faces because well, they wanted to see who was more uglier. He let a guy ruin his friendship and he did miss Jimin.

As much as he hated that Jimin didn't tell him.. was he really going to throw his best friend away over a guy he knew for less than a week? Seemed stupid now that Taehyung was thinking about it. So with that, Taehyung turned around and looked at Jungkook before nodding. "Okay.." he spoke lowly. Jungkook smiled a bit before he nodded. "Thank you.. I'll get out of your way now.." he bit his lip before he bowed his head a bit and moved away, stepping away but stopped to look at Taehyung again. "Also if you want service to call Bogum, you need to walk to the sign over there and you should get two or more." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders before leaving.

Taehyung blinked, standing in the same place before looking at his phone and at Bogum's contact number. He looked at the sign and back at Jungkook before he started walking towards the sign. Maybe Jungkook wasn't /that/ bad after all. Still pretty fucked but... Jungkook was showing more of his emotions than he ever did before with Taehyung.

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