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Once the bus came to a stop, Jungkook stood up but was brought back down by Taehyung who grabbed onto Jungkook's arm. "Not yet." He held onto him. Jungkook was about to question it but decided against it because even he knew once they stepped off the bus, their time together would be no longer. His free happy life would no longer be like so once he stepped off. So Jungkook sat there, holding onto Taehyung's hand until the last person exited the bus.

Taehyung and Jungkook were in a make out but it was more loving than heated. "Hey, you two, get out." The bus driver called out in a grunt as Jungkook then laughed within the kiss before he pulled away. Taehyung sighed before he got up and followed Jungkook off the bus. The two went to get their luggage and when Taehyung turned around, he saw his mom, sister and another dude— aka the soon to be step dad— but gave no attention to him.

Instead Taehyung ran over to his mom like the little kid he was and hugged her so tight. Taehyung's mother chuckled, kissing Taehyung's forehead. "There's my baby boy." She messed up his hair as she then hugged her daughter. Taehyung smiled and had a conversation with his mom. Talking about how he quite literally almost broke his nose and bruised his stomach. Meanwhile for Jungkook, he looked around to see other kids greeting their parents. Must be nice huh? The male pursed his lips and scratched his neck before he walked over to Taehyung. "I'll text you later." He whispered.

Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook's hand and shook his head. "Are you walking home?" He asked and Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, but i'll take a bus for half of the way. I'll call you, okay?" Jungkook brushed Taehyung's hair back and kissed his forehead before leaving Taehyung be. "That is still.. so weird.." EonJin looked at Taehyung who looked at his mom. Kind of side eyeing the woman to see her reaction. "Wait- so-" she was shocked.

Taehyung chuckled nervously before nodding. "I got a.. boyfriend? Surprise?" He bit his lip and his mom looked at EonJin. "He..-" she started and EonJin nodded. "Yep! But it's okay because I got one too now lets go!" EonJin hurried off to the vehicle. Not wanting to carry the conversation any longer. Taehyung again, paid no attention to the other male and waited for Jimin who was walking slowly towards them, Taehyung chuckling. "Shut the fuck up Taehyung." Jimin mumbled, getting into the vehicle and moving to the middle.

Okay— rude but Jimin knowing what Taehyung was gonna say? Took him out. Shaking his head, Taehyung got in after putting Jimin's bag in the trunk.

Once Jungkook got home, he stopped his hand by grabbing the door knob and was a bit speechless. Was there music playing in his house? His father hated music. No way he could have changed in a small amount of time. Not when he would constantly choke or hit him. Opening the door, Jungkook hurried inside, dropping his bag at the sight when he saw the house clean and alcohol free. Was that scented candles? What the hell?

What surprised him even more was that his mom was not bruised up. When Jungkook's gaze met his mom, he almost teared up as he smiled a bit. "He's gone..?" He asked almost desperately and his mother put the rag on her shoulder as she then clasped her hands together and put them beneath her chin while nodding. "I called the cops.. I had to gather evidence so I know he would be locked up for good.. but yeah Jungkook, he's gone." She smiled with tears in her eyes.

Being alone with Jungkook's father without Jungkook just made her realize how fucked up their life was. How pathetically in love she was with her lover who was also her abuser. The man who abused her son too. So just before Jungkook came back, she wanted to start brand new with Jungkook. She didn't want to continue living like that. Being a parent she despised. She wanted to be a mother to Jungkook, not a child Jungkook had to watch over.

Jungkook let a reliving sigh escape his mouth as he put his shoulder bag down and went over to hug his mom. Yes, they cried together because Jungkook was finally free from the torture his father would give him. What made everything better? Was that he could be happy with Taehyung without a worry. He could go through the days and not worry about his mom being abused. Jungkook could go to school and not worry about his mother. God— Jungkook couldn't explain how happy he was.

"I'm- I'm very ha-happy you were strong enough to leave him mom.." Jungkook pursed his lips as he hugged his mom. Jungkook's mom sniffled and nodded. "Me too son." She kissed her cheek. "Now come, I was waiting for you to get home. Bet you missed your favorite food huh." She ruffled up his hair and wiped away her tears. Jungkook chuckled and did the same before nodding. "Yeah, summer camp food sucks." He spoke with a sniffle.

Taehyung unpacked all of his clothing and looked around his room. Out of the blue, he suddenly remembered Bogum. 'This relationship on hold' replayed in Taehyung's head. The boy freezing up as he looked at his phone. Many missed calls and many unread text messages. Fuck— shit! This wasn't good.

Taehyung ruffled up his hair as he then bit at his nails. Never was he the best at rejecting people and maybe thats why he never did reject Bogum. Oh for fuck sakes. Taehyung left his room and ran to EonJin's. "You gotta tell Bogum i'm with Jungkook-" he spoke but EonJin froze. ".. I don't have to?" She pursed his lips and Taehyung froze. Oh no.

Bogum stepped out from the closet and pursed his lips, waving at Taehyung with an awkward smile. ".. Hi." he spoke awkwardly. Taehyung pursed his lips and cleared his throat. "Friends..?" Clearly Taehyung was not the best with words and honestly? he didn't know what else to say. Sorry should have been in there somewhere right? Though Bogum found himself smiling before he nodded. He had his suspicions he wouldn't be with Taehyung anyway so.. "Of course." He walked over and ruffled up Taehyung's peach coloured hair. "But if Jungkook fucks up, i'm snatching, got that?" Bogum teasingly laughed and Taehyung smiled before nodding. "Of course." He chuckled.

The two hugged and Taehyung made his peace before removing himself from the situation. Looking at his phone— Taehyung couldn't help but smile widely from the number on his phone. Already calling huh? how cute.

Later that night,

"I really wish you would have realized you wanted me like, a week before we were leaving you know?" Jungkook spoke through the phone. A dramatic and frustrated sigh came through the phone as Jungkook was sitting near his window with a huge smile— of course he had a huge smile, he just was so in love with Taehyung's voice.

"Shut up. The important thing here is that we are together now okay? I love youu~" Taehyung dragged on and chuckled as he laid back on his bed. Hearing Jungkook humming soon after. "I love you too baby." He made kissing noises which had Taehyung laughing. "Nerd." Taehyung spoke softly and Jungkook laughed as well but quieter than usual since he was a bit tired. They've been talking on the phone for two hours already. "Well.. i'll see you tomorrow?" Jungkook pursed his lips and Taehyung sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jungkookie hyung.." Taehyung bit his lip as he listened to the soft chuckle emitting from Jungkook's mouth. With that, Taehyung hung up and on both sides, the two were smiling like idiots. Even though summer camp was a bitch, Taehyung would not have it any other way. Actually— maybe he would have but !! ... that's another story. In the end he did end up happy and he had Jungkook.. Taehyung was with Jungkook and that's all that really mattered.

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