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The whole ride to the camp consisted of Taehyung and Jungkook speaking. Well, it consisted of Jungkook speaking and making Taehyung blush like crazy. The boys both enjoyed the company. Even Taehyung managed to dodge saying Jungkook's name so he wouldn't have to say hyung. After awhile though Taehyung heard his stomach growl, which made him hold his stomach while Jungkook chuckled. "Is my little princess hungry?" He asked and Taehyung wanted to squeal but instead he nodded, he wanted to tell Jungkook to stop calling him that but honestly, he didn't mind. Jungkook clicked his tongue and grabbed out his small bag he puts over his shoulder. "Ah.. I don't have much but this should help."

Taehyung perked up, leaning on Jungkook to see what he had. Jungkook grabbed out water and two granola bars. Taehyung unknowingly licked his lips and Jungkook couldn't help but smile, opening up the granola bar. "Thank— hey.." Taehyung pouted once Jungkook grabbed the gronola bar from his hands. "Say my name princess." Jungkook gave a mischievous smirk while Taehyung hummed. "May I have the granola bar Jungkook?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head. "Did your pretty self already forget?" He asked and Taehyung suddenly reminded himself. A light blush making its way onto his cheeks. This dude flirted way too much for Taehyung's liking.

Clearing his throat, Taehyung spoke up, "May I please have the granola bar Jungkookie hyung..?" Taehyung pursed his lips and mentally hit his head on the seat, embarrassment taking over as Jungkook smiled and passed the granola bar to Taehyung. Taehyung grabbed the bar without another word and sat back, taking the wrapper off while Jungkook looked at the boy. So innocent, so pure, he couldn't be wait to ruin that.

With that, Jungkook sat back and let Taehyung eat the granola bar which didn't last long as Taheyung was shoving the wrapper in Jungkook's bag. Jungkook looking at Taehyung with an eyebrow raised but Taehyung only smiled. "Sorry hyung." Well, there was no way he could be bothered by that. With a chuckle that turned into a scoff, Jungkook licked his lips and nodded, tickling Taehyung's chin before he gave the boy the other granola bar. Oh he knew he was going to have plenty of fun with this boy beside him.

Once they arrived, Taehyung stepped out of the bus and ran over to grab his bags. "Taehyungie~" Jimin cooed for Taehyung while he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's torso. "How was the ride?" He asked and Taehyung couldn't help but blush from the memories of what happened in the bus but decided to keep it to himself for the time being. "I-It was fine Jiminie, how was yours?" He asked, waiting for the bags while Jimin hugged him.

"Boring, I slept most of the way. I had to sit with EonJin too so I had to listen to her rant about her ex." Jimin sighed as he let go of Taehyung. Taehyung hummed. "She never talks to me about him. All I know is that he's a bitch." He shrugged and went to grab his bags. Jimin pursed his lips, following Taehyung. Once the two got their bags, Taehyung went wait near a tree with Jimin and waited to be assigned to which group and cabin. Looking around, Taehyung bit his lip as he found himself staring at the known boy, Jeon Jungkook. How was it possible to be looking so hot while just standing there?

"Tae—" Jimin nudged Taehyung and Taehyung looked away, turning to Jimin who was walking towards a male which Taehyung assumed was one of the workers. Taehyung followed, waddling along since he had one huge ass bag. "Park Jimin and.. Kim Taehyung?" The male asked and Taehyung nodded along with Jimin.

"Okay cool, you'll be in group D, rooming in cabin D with Kim Namjoon, Kim SeokJin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok and.. ah hold on." The male walked over to the female on his right who was collecting her campers. Meanwhile Taehyung looked at Jimin with a surprised and happy expression once he realized who were his bunk mates. "Yoongi and SeokJin?" He looked at Jimin who nodded with a huge smile. "Forgot to mention they'd be here too. Surprise." Jimin said proudly, loving the reaction from Taehyung. It's been a while since they saw each other.

Taehyung felt like running around the area to find the two. He only had a few memories with the two males since he was still somewhat young but he was over the moon to see SeokJin and Yoongi. As he looked around though, the male worker came back within a few minutes. "And Jeon Jungkook." He spoke. Both Jimin and Taehyung froze. "Mm... What about me?" Jungkook stepped into the circle and the worker sighed in relief since he didn't have to go find Jungkook. "You'll be rooming with six other people, they'll fill you in on who you will be staying with. I'll just go get the keys and find the others then we'll be on our way." he informed and left the boys alone.

Jungkook nodded, looking at Taehyung who looked away once Jungkook turned to face him. Jungkook chuckled, running his hand up Taehyung's back before he removed his hand. "So, this is group?" He asked. Jimin cleared his throat. "D.. and cabin D. Rooming with uh.. Namjoon, SeokJin, Yoongi, Hoseok me and Taehyung.." Jimin informed Jungkook since he knew Taehyung wasn't aware of who Jeon Jungkook was— or so he thought so.

Jungkook nodded. "Cool." Is all he said, looking at Jimin who was staring right back but scoffed afterward and looked away. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Top bunk or bottom?" He asked Taehyung. "Bo—" before Taehyung could answer, Jimin covered Taehyung's mouth. "Top bunk, he likes the top bunk." He answered fro Taehyung who only blinked several times. Bottom bunk was more accessible and he wouldn't need to climb anything just to get on his bed but Jimin wanted to bunk on top he's guessing?

Taehyung looked at Jimin confusingly but nodded slowly once he saw the glare from Jimin. "Oh, so is Taehyung a little boy who can't speak for himself?"
Jungkook asked, his head tilting. Jimin mocked the boys words before he grabbed Taehyung's wrist. "Come on Taehyung." He pulled Taehyung away while Jungkook waved at the two walking away but was annoyed the moment Jimin pulled Taehyung away. Jungkook forgot how... mmm... non manageable Jimin was.

Taehyung didn't bother asking since Jimin seemed pissed and he was always scared when it came to pissed Jimin. Jimin was small but was like a little demon. Instead Taehyung followed Jimin who was pulling him along but stopped once he heard a familiar voice. "SeokJin!" Taehyung yelled once he noticed the broad shoulder male walking towards them from behind. Turning around, Taehyung dropped his bag as he ran towards Seokjin.

Taehyung jumped onto SeokJin who had the biggest smile, spinning the boy around. "Taehyung!! Taehyung is this really you?!" He placed the boy down and Taehyung nodded, smiling as he hugged the male again. Jimin then pulled the bag over since Taehyung abruptly abandoned his bag. "When did you— I didn't know you were coming to camp." He tucked Taehyung's hair behind his ear to give him a clean look although it was mainly just to be in awe of Taehyung's new look. Really did suit him.

"Yeah me neither actually but I moved back yesterday." Taehyung spoke, now moving away from Jin. "We have so much to catch up on Taehyung, holy shit your hair is even red." Seokjin shook his head and squished Taehyung's cheeks together. Taehyung chuckled, moving away. "Taehyung?" Without even turning around, Taehyung guessed it right away. "Yoongi!" He yelled as he ran back to the previous spot and did the exact same thing with what he did to SeokJin. Unlike Jin though, Yoongi only patted his shoulder and called him a tomato.

Maybe he really would have a great time at this camp.

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