Chapter 6: Flashback

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I lived in a small studio apartment with my mother and my sister, yes, I have a sister. I grew up with no father but I do know who he is, my mother, Lisa. she was... well she was fucked in every possible way.She was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and yeah, she was also a prostitute. I was always home taking care of my little sister who has down syndrome. My aunt, Lisa's sister would come by to give us some necessities like groceries and those kinds of things. She paid for me to get home schooled cause I couldn't leave my sister alone. I graduated in sociology. And my... Lisa was abusive towards us, especially towards my sister. She would always say that my sister, Isabella wasn't her daughter and that she was just some creature who lived with us because IT, didn't know how to take care of itself, she always referred to her as an it as if she was just some object or some fucking animal.

I was only 7 when I took the responsibility to take care of her and when she was 3 years and 8 months she said her first word. It was, mari, which later turned into mami. My aunt would sometimes pass by to see how I was doing but she was kinda scared of Lisa so I didn't see her that much. Lisa was always out getting high, drunk and always with some fucked up man, every night it was a different man she would bring home.

One night, I was 15 Lisa came up I was doing dishes and my sister was eating and, she started hitting her for no reason, she was drunk. I tried to stop her but then she grabbed a fucking knife and got closer to me, I told my sister to lock herself in our room and to not come out, and she ran out of the kitchen. She put the knife on the side of my neck and said, "someone's waiting for you downstairs, it's my friend go put on something nice for him." and I was like. fuck, am I really losing my virginity at 15. I was like "I'm not you"

She said he paid 5000 dollars to spend the night with me. I tried to fight her but Lisa is kinda tall and well, I'm not. She pushed me down the stairs, I fell I still have a scar on my back from the fall. I found a man waiting for me, that man was Thomas Humphrey aka humps 1.0.

He grabbed me shoved me in a car, and drove for a while then he pulled over. We were at this abandoned hotel, at least I think it was a hotel, and I got raped. He didn't use any kind of protection so I had to buy pills, well my aunt did. And thankfully I didn't get pregnant with his baby.

I was traumatized for a few days I didn't get out of my room, nothing. I felt embarrassed, it felt like it was my fault that this had happened to me, I felt like I did something to deserve it.

I thought it would stop there, but it didn't cause he came back for more. He got into the house he assaulted me once again. Lisa made me work for some man and the police almost got to him so Lisa blamed everything on me. All the money I would make from working for this man I would safe some for my sister, she's in art school now. My baby girl, uliana. Her father is some guy who paid to... use me and well Lisa doesn't give a fuck about me so she agreed to it for 3000 dollars.

Humps broke in our house twice. The second time, I kinda threw a plate at his head, he was bleeding he came close to me and put a gun to my head and said, "you'll pay for this one day"

Then I met him in here.

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