Chapter 61 : Wait for me

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after 3 hours Flaca came back looking exhausted, she had been in the gym taking her first physical exam with Mac, when everything was finally over Flaca changed into her prison uniform and they both made their way to Gloria's bunk where everyone was chilling before it was lights out

"WOW, Mac what happened?"

Gloria immediately asks looking at Mac who looked like she had just crossed the whole Sahara desert.

"don't yell"

she says dragging the words in a whiny tone

"you did this?"

Maritza asks Flaca with fear in her eyes, this was going to happen to her? why the fuck did she agree to this?

"I MEAN... not really? yo she's not hurt she's just tired that's all"

Flaca defends herself immediately not wanting anyone to think that she hurt her best friend

"Mac tell'em"

"true, it's just the whole thing where I get thrown on the mats and I have to get up to only be thrown again is so annoying, it gave me a headache. it doesn't hurt Mari trust me, it's all very slow i swear"

Mac says her hand dangling from the wall of the entrance as she tried to even out her breath. Maritza plops down on Gloria's bunk patting the empty space next to her for Flaca to sit, Flaca drags herself next to her girlfriend and plops down too, instantly crawling up over Maritza.

"show me love mami"

Flaca lets out tiredly, Maritza leaves a kiss on her forehead and immediately starts cuddling the tall girl, going into their own world, no one but them.

"how the fuck can you smell this good after a 3 hour physical exam?"

Maritza asks as she messaged her girlfriend's scalp

"I don't know, maybe cause there's a damn shower in the gym?"

Flaca responds obviously being sarcastic. After a few seconds of talking between the Spanish Harlem, Daya walks in

"is yours ready?"

Daya says with a cheeky smile


Flaca says popping the 'p' as she scooted further near Maritza

"I can't wait to kick your ass out of the family"

Daya says confident that she was going to win

"ahh I can't wait to not feed you for a whole month when you're out of the kitchen and Cindy replaces you"

Flaca says a peaceful smile forming on her lips scoffing when she felt Maritza's chest rising and falling quickly.

"you can't do that"

"oh you forgot? I'm an aggressive bitch remember? I don't play by the rules"

Flaca says with a small wink as she slightly got up, her forearms on each side of Maritza's face for support.

"whatever, mine's ready so prepare to go down, puta"

Daya says as she flicks her hair and walks out of the cube

"is yours ready?"

Mac asks Flaca

"hmm, tomorrow is the votation?"


"mkay I'm gonna head to sleep"

she says crawling off Maritza and heading to their room, Maritza came a while after after venting with Gloria how much Daya was getting on her nerves. When she got to their room Flaca was already sound asleep on the inside of their bunk so Maritza cautiously joined her making sure to not wake her up, but Flaca woke up anyways since she was a light sleeper

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