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I couldn't make y'all wait 😣 enjoy!


My heart dropped as Dave's voice sounded around the room. My eyes were burning from the tears that desperately wanted to fall. Everything was moving in slow motion.

"Mya, baby will you marry?" He asked looking up at her, smiling.

"Oh my god, YES DAVID! YES!" She screamed as just jumped up and down.

I stood there. Frozen.

I didn't know what to do or say.

"Oh bitch hell no. He got me fucked up." Stephanie and Mama Faye said at the exact same time.

"I'm finna beat this bitch up..." Stephanie said as she took off her earrings. "Hold my drink Stephanie. We finna whoop some motherfucking ass." Mama Faye said giving her drink to Stephanie.

I was just standing there watching everything go on. Hearing the cheers of people in the room. I watched the ear to ear smiles on everyone's faces. I looked at the people's faces who knew Dave personally; they were rolling their eyes.

The room started to spin. My legs felt weak. I needed to get out.

I slowly pushed past all the people and made my way outside. I rushed to the big black trash can that was sitting on the side of the building. I held onto it and everything came up. I was throwing up and it's like it wouldn't stop coming up. My throat started to burn from contents that was in my stomach. Once it slowed down, I closed my mouth. I still felt it trying to come up my throat, but I held it down.

Once I regained myself, I stumbled over to the parking lot. I found my car and leaned up against the drivers side. I laid my head back on the hood.

Tears were falling down my face. My heart was broken. I just couldn't get over the fact that David was making the biggest mistake of his life...

That woman is cheating on him... She doesn't love him. Hell she doesn't even appreciate him.

I love him... I appreciate him...

Should I tell him about what she's doing? Or should I just mind my business and let him be happy? Would he even believe me?...

My thoughts were cut off by Stephanie's voice.

"Hey Pooh? You okay?" She whispered to me.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..." I whispered. She hugged me. "Girl you just don't know... Me and Faye just got done cussing Dave the fuck out. We pulled him to the side and his bitch acted like she wanted to jump. So I slapped her."

I sighed. "Why would you do that Steph?" I raised my voice.

"Girl are you dumb?! Did you not just see that fuck ass move that Dave pulled in there?!" She yelled.

"Stephanie that's not going to make anything better! You shouldn't have done that! Me and Dave aren't together and haven't had relations in over half a year! We were never together!" I yelled back at her.

"Angel do you hear yourself right now?! Y'all love each other! Y'all always did! Y'all are in love!"

"Well not anymore okay?! He's getting married now! You were right: He's not going to wait on me forever! This is nobody's fault but mine. He's ready to start his family and get married. I can't blame him for that. He was ready and I wasn't..." I said crying.

"So you just gonna give up and throw everything away? Just like that? You're not even going to attempt to fight?"

"There's nothing to fight for." I wiped my tears.

The Eye of The Storm | Dave East Where stories live. Discover now