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I sighed as me and Stephanie gathered all my things before work. Today is the day that I go back home and work. I'm not to excited about going back home.

The only thing I'm excited about is being able to lay in my bed and drive my own car again. But work? Oh my God I miss it so much.

Dave has been dodging me all day long, it's like he doesn't want to talk to me. He seems sad about something.

He was sitting on the couch when we came downstairs with the bags. He had his head down. I sat the ones in my hand on the floor.

"Hey... I'm about to leave." I said looking down at him. "Alright." He said not moving.

I looked at Steph and looked at the door, indicating for her to head to the car. She nodded and left out the door.

I opened his arms and sat down in his lap.

"What's wrong Baby? You've been acting funny all day long..." I said holding his head up. He didn't say anything.

"Hmm?..." I asked again.

He sighed. "I don't want you to leave..." He said quietly sounding like a little kid. My heart melted.

"Awwwwe but baby, you can come over and see me and stay anytime you'd like." I cooed to him.

"Yeah but it's not the same!" I frowned.

"Awe babe... I don't wanna go either. But I can't stay here forever." He looked up at me.

"Well why not?" "I just can't David." He groaned and stomped the floor.

I laughed. "You to fucking big to be acting like that." He just sat there with his arms folded.

I tapped him. "Come on. Let's go." We got up and headed to the door.

He drug his feet the entire way to the car.

He helped me put my things in Stephanie's trunk. I shut it and turned to him.

"Alright babe... I'll see you later okay?" I said wrapping my arms around him. He slightly nodded his head. I stood on my tippy toes and put a peck on his lips.

I was puzzled as to why he hasn't smacked my butt yet. He does it everyday, especially when I have my uniform on. He loves the way my ass looks in my uniform.

I frowned. "You not gonna smack my butt?" I asked looking up at him. He just reached down and rubbed it a little.

I sighed. My big baby really don't want me to go. I pulled him down by his neck and kissed him again.

We walked to the passenger side and he opened my door.

"I'm call you after work okay?" I said to him. "Alright." I got in. Before I closed the door, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

"Awww, he's really sad Angel." Stephanie said as she chuckled.

"I know..." I said as she pulled out of the complex.


I sighed as I walked into the house.

I hated the fact that Angel was leaving and going back home. I didn't want her to leave. I hated how quiet and cold the house was without her. Before she came into my life I loved being alone. Now I even hate the thought of it.

Just me being able to wake up and see her face was everything to me.

I'm going to make it official and soon. It's over due; it's been long enough.

I got back into the bed. I scrunched my face up and I felt something hard on my side. I reached under and pulled it out. I sighed as I examined it.

It was Angels favorite lipgloss that she had been looking all over the house for.

I put it on the nightstand. Closing my eyes, I tried to go back to sleep.

After 20 minuets of tossing and turning, I gave up. I couldn't sleep and I think I knew why.

Whenever we would lay together and sleep, Angel would put her feet on my leg and rub them on me. I absolutely hated that shit. I used to push them off me every single time, but they somehow found their way back on me.

I got up and decided to go to my office to work on the gym.


I just got to work and decided to go to the break room and get some coffee and a snack before my shift started.

As I drunk my coffee and ate my muffin I scrolled through Instagram.

After I was done I checked my watch. 6:00 AM.

Oh shit.

I ran to the nurses station.

"Hey everybody! Nurse Angel is back!" Dr. Bryant yelled. I smiled. All the nurses came and group hugged me.

"I missed y'all messy asses so much..." I said as they laughed. "We missed you too!" They said back as they let me go.

30 minuets into my shift, my stomach started turning.

"Girl are you okay?" Steph said as she looked at me weird. I guess she could tell by the look on my face.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I assured her.

Not to long after, my mouth started to water. I could feel vomit trying to come up. I dropped what I was doing and ran to the bathroom.

Opening the stall, I dropped to the floor and threw up in the toilet. As I was throwing up, I heard the door open.

"Angel... Are you okay baby?" Stephanie said as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think it's something I ate." I said as I wiped my mouth.

"Ima go get you some tooth paste and a tooth brush out the closet." She said as she ran out the bathroom.

Shortly after, she ran back into the restroom with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bottle of water.

I brushed my teeth, threw the items away, and opened the water.

"Angel, are you pregnant?" She asked. I spit the water that was in my mouth out.

"Girl hell no!" I yelled.

"Well.. How do you know?" I stayed quiet. I haven't had a period in a while but I was on birth control so that was normal for me.

"I'm going to call Dr. Armstrong and see if she can do a ultrasound on you after work."

"Okay..." I whispered.

She grabbed my hand and we walked out.

There's no way I can be pregnant. I can't be. At least not now...

Thank you guys so much for the 14k! We'll be at 20 in no time ☺️ Y'all make me feel so good 😢 I stg y'all comments make my day 😂 I honestly don't think my book is that good, but I keep it going because I know you guys love it. I love you ❤️ Vote and Comment!

& sorry for not updating yesterday 😩

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