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"Owe me back like you owe your tax."
-Nas ✍🏾

" -Nas ✍🏾

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"Shit... All that damn money I just spent on all them bills." I mumbled to myself with as I shut the door to my apartment.

"It's alright though. It's all gonna be worth it watching him do all them damn orders by himself." I snickered evilly, jogging into the kitchen.

I excitedly opened the refrigerator and grabbed the brand new bottle of Chardonnay.

"Fuck a glass. I don't need one." I said, waving the dish washer off.

Now that the bet is over, David and I had to make a decision on who won and who lost.

After we put the kids to bed last night, we came to the conclusion that we both won and lost. He initiated it, and I damn sure didn't try to stop him.

Between me and you, technically I won.

But since he's always providing for his family, I thought, "Why not give my baby a break for the month and let him enjoy all of his money?"

I mean he has been paying every single last one of my bills ever since we found out that I was pregnant with Kairi. Even through all of those times where we weren't speaking and were angry with each other.

That's one of the trillion things that I love about him: He's going to provide for his family no matter what.

He'll go out there, work his ass off, come home, and give all of his earnings to his family with no problem at all.

He also doesn't believe in going "50/50" with his partner when it comes to things like bills. Mama Faye and his father strongly instilled in him that men are the sole providers and protecters of their household.

Men like that are hard to find nowadays...

Growing up, I watched my mom juggle multiple jobs just to get by while my father sat on the couch all day and did nothing. He didn't work, hustle, or have any ambition.

When Amir and I first moved in together, we did the whole "50/50" thing. That quickly turned into me paying most of the bills due to him not having all of the money for the month, which I totally understood.

Sometimes things can get hard, and your current paycheck isn't as much as the last one was. If you don't know how to budget, then you can easily fall into a hole.

I let Amir know that I didn't have a problem with paying most of the bills until he got back on his feet. And once I told him that, he started to take advantage.

While I was paying all of the bills in the house, he was only contributing to 1 or 2 of them and brought himself whatever the fuck he wanted: cars, clothes, shoes, jewelry. You know, materialistic stuff. It wasn't cheap stuff either.

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