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The Next Day...

The Next Day

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"Very funny... So what now? I reckon y'all want a kiss?"

"Kissing would be niiccee, yes."

"AAAHHHHHH!" Kali and I burst into laughter watching Tiana scream her head off and back into the dresser, knocking all the toys down to the floor.

Me, her, and Kai were laying down in my bed cuddling while we watched The Princess and The Frog. I find it so cute and heart warming how she holds onto me so tight.

And guess what else she does: she rubs her feet on people when she cuddles, just like me! I found that out last night when she ran into my room begging to sleep with David and I after all the lightening and thundering scared her.

I see so much of me and him in her that it's crazy. We really look at, treat, and love on her like she's our very own child.

The bedroom door flew open and our heads turned to it. Dave walked into the room smiling at us.

"Angel, can I talk to you for minute in the bathroom?" He asked taking his jacket off and sitting it down on the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Uh, yeah. Sure baby." Throwing the covers off of me, I got up out of the bed.

"You think you can handle her until we get back Kali?" I pointed to a calm, propped up Kairi who's eyes were glued to the television.

"Yeah I can!" She excitedly as she nodded her head.

"Alright, we'll be right back Little Butts. We're just going to talk for a second. Blink ya eyes and we'll be back." I said walking into the bathroom with Dave.

"I blinked Angel!" She yelled to me.

"Well blink slower!" I yelled back and shut the door, hearing her small giggles shortly after.

Resting the back of my head on the door, I watched him put his hands on the bathroom sink and lean up against it.

"Baby, what's wrong? Is everything okay? What happened over there?" I was beginning to become concerned.

He just shook his head shamefully, making me fold up my arms.

"They didn't answer the door did they?" He stood up straight and sighed.

"No, and they're home too. I could hear them on the other side of the door before I knocked. But when I did, they got really quiet as if no one's there."

I scoffed and a chuckle came behind it. "Wow..."

Every since we got home yesterday from London's party we've been trying to take Kali home, but Miracle or her boyfriend won't answer the door.

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