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My eyes grew wide as I looked at my report card.

Spelling: 98% A

Grammar: 99% A

Math: 94% A

Science: 100% A

History: 92% A

I screamed excitedly as I looked at every grade. My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Anderson embraced me in a big hug.

"Great job Angel! I'm sure your mother is so very proud of you... I know I am." She said smiling and she let me go.

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson!" I yelled.

The bell then rung for dismissal. I ran outside to the front of the school and found my bus. I hopped on it and sat down in the first seat.

The whole way home, I kicked my legs back and forth and smiled excitedly.

I just know she'll be proud of me...

The bus stopped and I realized I was at my stop. I got up and ran into the building of our apartment complex. I ran all the way up the stairs to the 3rd floor.

Once I got to the door, I stopped. I took my bag off of my shoulder and reached inside, pulling out my report card.

I looked at it before I opened the door. I smiled once again.

I grabbed the door knob and twisted it.

Once I got inside, the smell of marijuana filled my nose. The room was foggy. I waved the smoke and I looked around the room for my mother.

She was on the couch, sitting in my fathers lap.

I ran to her. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy look!" I repeatedly tapped her. "Look mom!" I held up the report card in her face. She grabbed it and looked down at it.

"I got a 98, a 99, and even a 100!" I said pointing my finger at some of the grades on the paper. She just looked at me.

"Aren't you proud of me? Hmm? Aren't you proud of me mom?" I asked softly. I looked into her eyes and saw a familiar look of rage in them.

"You think you better than me? Hmm?" She asked sharply. "What? No mo-"

"You think you smarter than me just because you got a few As?" She asked.

"No mom..." I said feeling tears roll down my face. She got up and fear ran all through my body.

She stood over me and slapped me. I held my face as I looked at her. Pushing me on the ground, she proceeded the kick and punch me.

"You think you better than me? Huh?!" She yelled as she beat me up. I curled up in a ball. She grabbed my wrist and yanked it; I heard a snapping sound. A sharp pain went up the left side of my arm. I began to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" She yelled over me and kicked me in my mouth. I could no longer scream. I was to busy focused on the pain that was coming from my bleeding lip. She then picked me up and carried me outside.

"Since you think you grown and you better than somebody, you can stay out out here." She put me down outside the door.

I began to beg and plead. "No... No mom please!!" I cried. She threw my book bag and lunchbox outside the door.

The Eye of The Storm | Dave East Where stories live. Discover now