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"She deep into me like waterrrrr yea. Teach me how to neva be like fatherrrr..." I sang a song as I got ready for work by a boy that lives in my apartment complex dropped last night.

His name is Kentrell Gaulden, but he goes by the name of 'NBA Youngboy'. He's 18 years old.

He wants to be a rapper, but he's also going to go to school for Nursing.

I knew that because whenever I didn't have to be to work so early in the morning, I'd converse with him and all the middle schoolers and high schoolers that were waiting for the one bus that came through here to pick them up for school. And of course they knew me from working at the hospital and the internet.

I'd give them snacks for school (because some of them didn't even have enough money to eat there) and words of motivation to start their day.

I try to make an impact on all of their lives as much as I possibly can, because most of them are out here in the streets raising themselves just like how I was.

And I don't want them to throw their whole lives away over petty situations or a couple of dollars.

I want them to know that someone cares.

Since this morning is one those mornings that I don't have to be in early, I'm sure I'll be seeing them out there waiting.

Ready to go, I threw my purse on my shoulder and grabbed my keys off of the nightstand.

"David... David baby, I'm about to leave..." I spoke softly as I rubbed his face.

"Mm... Alright..." He replied back sleepily with his eyes still closed.

I then heard a baby coo. Looking down at him, I saw Kairi smiling into his chest with her eyes closed.

"Awwwww, bye bye fat mama... Mommy's gonna miss you while I'm at work..." I hovered over David and kissed her small mouth. Her smile grew bigger and bigger after each peck.

"Bye you guys, I love y'all." I said sadly and pecked David's lips.

I hate that I have to leave them. I've been spending all of my time with them from the second that Kai was born.

I have a feeling that today's going to be a hard day without them.

As I was walking out my bedroom door, I heard Dave's voice.

"Angel?" It was barely over a whisper. I turned around and looked at him. "Yes Dooda?"

"You leaving?" He asked rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, I am." He lifted Kairi off his chest and laid her beside him on the bed.

"Come lay back down with us."

"Baby, I can'tttttt. I gotta go to work!" I whined and stomped my feet.

"Man baby it's 5:25, you don't have to be at work until 7:30!" He exclaimed to me like he was stressed.

"Dave, you just be making shit up. You don't even know what time it is! You just woke up! It's 6:20." I put my hands on my hips.

"Just 10 minuets! Babyyyy pleaseee!" I chuckled seeing him kick his long ass legs.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" I took my shoes off and slid back into the bed under him. "Big ass baby." I mumbled.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "I'm your big ass baby." He said kissing my forehead.

5 minuets later...

I began to become mesmerized with Dave's tattoos, tracing around the green leaf on his chest with my short, white nails.

Hearing his small snores, I decided to take that chance to leave for work.

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