"When are you coming back?"

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I really miss writing, but y'all life has been kicking my ass since I started this book.

I went through depression (still am), went through a breakup with a long time boyfriend, fought with myself trying to find myself and about going to college, emotional abuse, being used sexually and financially, STILL fighting shit from my past, fighting suicidal thoughts, feeling stuck, lost myself, found myself, then lost myself again, moving to a whole nother state away from family and everything I know, and the week I was supposed to leave, my grandmother, the woman who basically raised me (y'all already know about the relationship I have with my mother) died unexpectedly 12 days ago turning my world upside down, trying to figure out why would God take her away, and more shit.

I share everything with you guys because I want you to know that you're not the only person hurting. We all are. & That I'm not just taking long breaks for no reason. I'm really out here lost, and it may be a long time before I find myself again.

I love you guys. I just hope you'll still be willing to accept me when I come back. 🧡

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