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The next day: Sunday night...

The next day: Sunday night

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"Mommy's almostttt done Fat Fat. I know you want me to hold you baby..." I said to Nasir over his loud cries as I finished up changing his dirty diaper.

Throwing it in the trash, I made my way back over to his bassinet and carefully picked him up.

Laying him on my chest, I paced around the cold hospital room bouncing him up and down trying my best to sooth him.

"Alright alrightttt, shhhhhh..." His cries began to get quieter and quieter as I rubbed his back in circular motions.

"Wanna lay down with Mama? Huh?" I said to him, slightly smiling. "Come on..."

I walked to my bed and pulled the heavy covers back. With him still in my arms I slowly climbed under them, careful not to hurt myself or him.

Once I finally got situated and comfortable, I switched him from my left arm to my right one.

"Heyyy Mama Fat Fat..." I smiled looking down into his dark brown, almond shaped eyes that were wide open.

He's such a good baby, and it's so crazy how he's the perfect mix of Jaceyon and I. It looks like he has more of his father than he has of me though, but that's okay.

He's prefect. Absolutely perfect.

Nasir is 3 days old, and all of this is still super surreal for me. Am I dreaming? I still cannot believe that I gave birth to this chunky baby.

I still have yet to get a call or anything from anyone in my family back home in Louisiana, but I decided not to dwell on it to much. I'm sick of being sad and crying about it.

I just want to enjoy these special moments with my son.

And speaking of family, I haven't seen Angel, Dave, Kendall, or Zoie since they left yesterday. They never did come back like they said they were going to. Jaceyon also left earlier this morning saying how he'd "Be right back", but that was earlier this morning and it's now 7:45 PM.

I'm not sure what everyone's doing, but it must be really important that they had to leave me in this room by myself with my newborn baby.

I'm not sure what to say or think about anyone at this point...

"Stephhhh, we're backkkkk!" My thoughts we cut off by the door swinging opening and Jayceon, Angel, and Dave busting through it.

I didn't even want to look at them, so I just chose to keep my eyes down on a wide awake Nasir.

"Where the fuck have y'all been?! I've been in here with Nasir all by mys-"

"HEYYYYYYY MOMO BABY!" I instantly shut my mouth, absolutely shook hearing the sweet voice of my Grandma Gail.

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