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The next few chapters will mainly be about Jd and Stephanie; I just need to get through his recovery so everything else can fall into place. I hope that's okay 😘
Oh and Ima just let y'all know that Dave and Angel don't have anything going on with each other right now and won't for a while so really it's just going to be about what they go through separately in their personal lives.


Jd has been in the hospital for 4 days and I've been here all day, everyday with him. I wouldn't leave his side.

No matter how much he would tell me that he's okay and to go back to work, I wouldn't leave. I loved to see him smile. Even on the days when he wasn't feeling to well.

Honestly, we've been having the time of our lives in here together. When his friends weren't visiting him, we played games, had long deep conversations about life and our goals, vented to each other about various things that bothered us, and just held each other when we wanted to be comforted. We also talked about what happened between him and Glenn.

Kelis hasn't been by here at all to see him or check on him. She hasn't replied to any of his texts or returned any of his calls. And she's definitely healthy and alive according to her social media accounts that me and Angel snooped for and found one night.

She's been going out to the club every night and shopping, having the time of her life while her so called man almost lost his life and was in the hospital.

My heart just breaks for him. He doesn't deserve that... No one deserves to be treated like that...

Me and him had a talk one day while he was in here and we've came to the conclusion that we're better off as friends. Especially with him now being with Kelis. We tried the whole relationship thing and it didn't work out. I honestly think he's holding onto something and he hasn't gotten over her or it yet.

I'm not complaining though. As long as I can have him in my life, that's fine with me.

His recovery is going so well, that he gets to discharge two days early than he was supposed to. He's so happy about it and I'm happy for him.

At first he was worried, wondering how he was going to get home and around if Kelis didn't show up. But I told him to not worry about anything and that I would look after him.

After I signed his discharge papers, I helped him put his clothes on.

"Yo, Steph. When we leave, can we go to Mcdonald's? I want a cheeseburger..." He said as I zipped his jacket up.

I shook my head slowly. "No Jaceyon. That's not good for you."

He frowned. "What you mean?" I chuckled at his cute little face. "We gotta start eating right Jd. At least until you recover. You wanna have a speedy recovery don't you?"

He nodded his head. "Okay then. We gonna have something green and pretty. How about a nice healthy salad?" I asked excitedly.

I threw my arms around his neck and laughed as he mugged me. "Ain't shit funny." He mumbled.

I let him go. "I gotta use the restroom before we leave." "Iight."

I walked into the restroom and closed the door.

The Eye of The Storm | Dave East Where stories live. Discover now