~Mixed Signals~

459 14 3

*GG Shoot*

Paul's POV

"Hey what's up! Today we're going to be playing some Golf. And I'm going to win." Tanner did the intro for the show. He did it in a silly accent and it was honestly adorable.

"Yeah, you wish." Matt rebuttled, "I'M going to win." For being the only actual dad in the group, he sucked at golf. The four of us cracked up laughing. We knew the chances of Matt actually winning weren't very high. Then we all began playing, having fun and what not.

Around the sixth hole the standings were Connor in first, then Tanner, and me and Matt were tied for last. My head just wasn't really in the game. Thoughts of that damn picture kept coming up in my head. Fucking Gunner. Why'd he have to post that. I was pretty frustrated about it, but I couldn't let it show. I didn't really have a reason to be upset, then people would start asking questions.

Even with my lack of attention I managed to get a hole-in-one. All the other boys were still struggling with it. Tanner scooted his chair over a bit and leaned on my shoulder lightly. God I hope the camera can't see how much I'm blushing.

"Paullll, tell me how to do itttt," Tanner whined. I knew if I helped him he'd probably end up winning against Connor. So I played along.

"Well what do I get out of it?" I chuckled, "you know, can't just be helping you if don't get anything." Tanner sat there quietly for a second, and I thought he had given up.

Tanner turned his head and quickly kissed my cheek. Okay now its probably obvious how flustered I am. Fuck. I looked up at Woods and shot him a smug look. Ha.

"Alright, alright you win," I said pretending to wipe the kiss off my cheek for the sake of the bit.

Woods POV

Tanner kissed Paul's cheek. I was frustrated. Not just because of the smug look Paul gave me, but also these mixed signals were just confusing as fuck. I bit my lip to try and hide my emotions. This video was almost over anyways, then we get a lunch break. You just have to make it until then Woods. You can do it. Shit. My lip started bleeding, thankfully no one noticed.

Tanner's POV

"Tanner!" Matthias yelled, "what will the viewers think of you cheating on Woods?" I could tell he was just joking, but I honestly hadn't thought about it. Oh well.  I started laughing and eventually came up with a response.

Looking at the camera I said, "Do you see this snacc," I waved my arms in Paul's direction, "Can you blame me?" At that point we were all laughing barely able to breathe, and thats where we ended the video.

Once the cameras stopped, Woods immediately left the room, and it looked like there was blood on his lip. Hope he's okay. Maybe I should go check on him. Before I make it out the door, Matt stops me.

"Tanman, you're going to give the fangirls a heart attack."

I chuckled, "Gotta keep them on their toes, ya know?"

"Okay, surrree." Then Matt walked away back to his office.

The first person I saw was Sam, doing something on her computer, relaxing on the couch. "Hey Sam, did you see where Woods went?"

Without even looking up from the screen she told me he went towards the bathroom. I headed that way eventually stopping right in front of the door. For some reason I was nervous, but also really worried about my friend. I took a deep breath and walked in.

Woods was standing in front of the mirror with a paper towel to his lip. Once he noticed me he just kind of shrugged me off and went back to looking in the mirror. What's wrong? Now I'm really worried.

"Hey man, you okay?" Hesitantly I started to walk towards him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I looked him in the eyes and could tell he was lying. He wasn't very good at it. Putting my hand on top of his, I pulled the towel away from his mouth.

Still keeping eye contact I reply, "You don't look fine." Woods sighed heavily like he had been holding his breath until now. He wouldn't meet my eyes again. I realized I was still holding his hand, but didn't want to let go.

"it's just been...a really rough day, honestly."

"Well you know what you need then?!"

"Uhhh, a nap?"

"No, I'm gonna have lunch with you today." His mood seemed to lighten a bit when I said that. Good. I like when he smiles. I started swinging our entwined hands back and forth. He looked down at them, then back at me.

After a pause, "Wait, what about the boys? Won't they be waiting for you?" Woods questioned

"Yeah but they'll get over it. I eat lunch with them everyyy day. Plus I can't just leave my boyfriend all upset." I smiled widely at him. I noticed he started to blush but didn't mention it.

A/N - formatting might come out weird. Posting it from mobile. Pls forgive me.

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