Authors Note

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Hey guy!!!

I am so excited to start this novel and trust me I have being looking forward to writing a Nigerian high school novel and a lot of young Nigerian Wattpad writers have really inspired me. His smile was a little bit too cliché, all of you would agree with me. Makaila was a blast. So many rocky parts and cliffhangers... Or so I call it, I am still not sure if I created a lot of suspense for you guys but with the number of views I got from the book, I am pretty sure I did well.

Now this one... I am still contemplating on a perfect title but manage Just Us for the mean time. This story is dedicated to a lot of people. First of all to all the readers of my previous novels. You guys are the best. I will start mentioning few names here.

TIMMYADEDI200 : One of my very first supporters. This girl is amazing and very supportive. Love you gidi gan.

Inked_in_sanity: My cheesy and corny friend. This guy is corny asf. I have known him for 5-6 years now and he is by far the corniest guy I have ever met. And he doesn't update on time. Fortune I love you but you are going to be murdered in your sleep of you don't update soon.

sadandboujee: Jojo my Muse. She's is my baby, tho she won't agree with me. Keep up the good work dear. You will be like me one day. 😛😛

Sixfeetoffineapple: I met this amazing lady on wattpad and trust me she's awesome. Very supportive and even tho we have never known each other, I see her has a big sister. She's also my Muse. I heart you big time boo

And last but definitely not the least....

toyosibby: I just met this great and talented writer today. Her books are amazballs!! You guys really need to check out her books tho they are really nice and with the little conversation we had, she seems very cool. She's an inspiration and am pretty sure she will inspire you too.

In case your name wasn't mentioned I am so sorry about that but I cant mention everyone. All of you are helpful in your own special way and I appreciate everyone. I promise this book won't be cliché and I welcome ideas at anytime, feel free to hit me with one.

Wow my fingers are aching, I haven't typed in a while. You guys would soon be notified on the next part and first chapter. Stay creamy and enjoy a lot of nutella.


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