Chapter 27

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5 Years Ago - Zaria's POV

It was Easter break. I was up in my room, playing game on my phone, while settled comfortably on my bed. No one was at home except me the maids. Aisha was in a boarding school and was only at home on Holidays.

My parents were always busy so no one was really at home with me. Sam was in the final year in the university but he still made time for me. Of course he would, I was his favourite niece. I smiled at the thought.

The sound of the front door opening made me get down from my bed and run down the stairs. I smiled as I saw who was at the door.

"Sam!!!" I screamed as I ran into his out stretched arms. He chuckled as he picked me up and turned me around. I laughed heartily at that.

"My sweet pumpkin!" He whispered in my ear and I giggled. I loved the pet name he gave me. He put me down and stepped back to look at me.

"I've missed you, Uncle Sammy." I told him.

"I've missed you too." His eyes wandered around my body and I saw him lick his lips. I looked away shyly with smile on my lips.

I was wearing one of the dresses he got me when he came home the last time. It was a pink armless top and shorts that revealed my thighs. For my age, I was quite endowed. Everything just grew over night. I could pass off as a 15 years old.

"Wow! You have gown! When last did I see you." Sam smiled at me, going to sit down.

"Two months ago." I replied with a shy smile.

"You have really grown. See my small girl of yesterday." He said and I chuckled. He looked around the house. "Where is mum and dad?" He whispered to me. I had no idea why he was whispering. No one was inside. All the maids were in their quarters. I didn't really give it thought anyway.

"They went out and won't be back till evening." I replied.

"So we have all the time to play, right." He smirked at me. I nodded in enthusiasm.

"Come and sit on my lap." He beckoned to me and I eagerly went to sit there. He carried me and placed me in between his legs, his hands coming to my midrib just directly below my bosom.

He began to tickle me and I squirmed, laughing because I was really ticklish and he knew that. His hands went into my top and began to tickle my bare skin. I laughed so hard, squirming between his legs. I heard Sam grunt and moan but I didn't put my mind to it.

Suddenly I felt something hard poking my behind. I didn't put my mind to it at first but when I kept squirming, It it poked me again. I turned to Sam.

"What is that?" I asked him, clueless. He looked at me.

"What is what?" He asked back.

"Something hard is poking me at my back. What Is it?" I asked, curious to know the big rod thingy that was poking me.

"It's something...uhm. Do you want to see it?" He asked me.

"I guess so" I shrugged. Just as Sam was about to unzip his trouser, we heard foot steps. Sam immediately zipped back up and sat down like noting happened. I frowned at his weird behavior.

A maid walked in and started to clean the sitting room after greeting both of us. I stayed in the sitting room talking to Sam but he suggested we go to his room. We went to his room and Sam locked the door. Though, I had no idea why he did that but I didn't ask.

"Sit on the bed, pumpkin." He smiled at me and I did as I was told.

Sam unzipped his trouser and put it off to reveal his boxer shorts. But there was something unusual. It was a tent had formed in his trouser because a part of it was standing. Curiosity got a better part of me.

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