Chapter 19

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Joel's POV

During lunch, looking at Zaria, it was very obvious she wasn't okay. I asked her severally if she was and her words were "I'll be fine" . Lyla came to stay with her in class sometime in the morning but left later because of a class or two that held. Now we were all seated in the cafeteria eating snacks.

She was withdrawn. When we tried to make her speak, she say few words and go back to trying to eat. Out of three galas she bought, she has only take half of one. She loosened her bun and her long hair fell freely over her face and down her shoulder and I had the urge to run my fingers through her locks.

We were still talking when she suddenly covered her mouth.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

She didn't reply as she dashed off the table and ran out. It didn't take me a second before I ran out with her, Lyla following behind. We saw her outside, on her knees, throwing up. I rushed behind her and held her hair up with one hand and rubbed her back with the other.

"Lyla, get a cup of water" I told her and she went ahead. Zaria kept puking her guts out. The guys came out soon after with Lyla who had gone to bring water and Charles rushed to my side.

"What happened? Is she alright?" He asked frantically and I sensed worry and concern in his voice. I pushed down my jealousy and shook my head.

"You know she has not been herself this morning. She just dashed out here and began to throw up. I think it's a flu." I replied him. He collected the cup of water and from Lyla and helped Zaria to rinse her mouth and face.

"Why are all of you now hovering around her?" Ada's voiced pierced through the air and everyone turned to look at her with a shocked expression.

"Ada!" Lyla chided.

"I'm just saying y'all should give her some space. Like, give her a breather. You are chocking her up like that." She replied but I knew for sure that's not what she meant earlier. Lyla and Charles did too.

"Let's just get Zaria to the health care." Charles said and I nodded. When we were done cleaning her up, I helped her to stand. She seemed unstable and wanted to fall but I held her.

"I've got you." I whispered as I carried her shivering body to the health center so that she could be attended to. Charles and Lyla followed behind me.


School had already closed but Lyla, Charles and I decided to stay back. Ada just decided to stay under obligation, I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to be anywhere but here. She tried speaking to me but I told her plainly that I wasn't in the mood. Charles being my buddy got the unsent memo and engaged her in a conversation to distract her from me.

The matron had called Zaria's parents earlier today and told them to come and pick her, though they haven't shown up yet. I excused myself and went into the ward. I stayed by the door and watched Zaria sleep, her breathing coming out in rhythms. I felt a presence beside me and looked to see Charles. We didn't say anything to each other.

Just watching Zaria.

"You really like her." He broke the silence with that. I shot my face at him, trying to read his expression. His face was indifferent, like his was just saying something normal.

"Charles, I don't..." I began but his chuckle cut me off.

"I've seen the way you look at her, Joel. You like her. Probably more than I've ever liked her." There was an hint of hurt in tone and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry Charles. It just happened." That was lame but that was all I could come up with.

"It's normal." He stated. I looked at him. "Every guy has felt something for Zaria. Yours just seems to be the strongest. That, and she warmed up to you faster than any of us." He added.

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