Chapter 6

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Zaria's POV

The fourth and final continuous assessment for the seniors students of Limelight was in form of projects and practicals. It was an initiative by the school to engage everyone in other activities that would help boost our grades.

Except for the Commercial students.

They still had to do written tests because there was no practical aspect in their field of study. For science and technical students, it was Chemistry practical. For Art students, their practical was in two forms; Visual Art and Drama. Some students pick Visual art while some pick drama.

We were paired in twos for the Chemistry practical but till date we haven't been told our partners We were having a Chemistry class when the bell rang, indicating a change in period.

"Before I forgot..." Mr Ajanaku, our chemistry teacher started and the entire class tried to stifle their as a result of his bad English.

"Gbagaun!" Someone shouted and the entire class roared in laughter. The poor man not understanding what was going one tried to get the class to settle down.

"Settled down, all of you or I'll sent you to the principal." He said again, creating another blunder that caused the class to double up in laughter again.

His Yoruba accent wasn't helping matters either, as his intonation worsened his every sentence. Sometimes, I wondered how he got employed into a prestigious school like this. He was actually really good at teaching his subject though.

English they say, isn't a measure of intelligence. I thought. But still, his English was terrible.

"Everyone settle down. Time is fast spent and we have either classes. Let's just get this over with." That was Joel voice and I didn't have to look to know because his accent gave him away. His tone wasn't commanding but it was serious and what followed his voice was perfect silence. I was forced to roll my eyes and scoff.

Who does this guy think he is?!

"Lyla, can you imagine that guy!" I turned to Lyla who was seating beside me. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What did he do this time?" She asked, a sarcastic undertone laced in her voice that I chose to ignore.

"Who does he think he is to command the entire class to keep quiet?" I asked rhetorically and she chuckled quietly.

"A reasonable person. Please let's listen to Mr Ajanaku. I need to leave this place." She replied dismissively and turned to face the teacher that had now begun to speak again. I looked at her with a disapproving gaze before facing the teacher.

He wants to start turning my friends against me. Never gonna happen. I thought.

"…your names have been paste on the door. When you are gone outside, please checked it. The practical is due in two weeks and you already know what to do," he finished. Thankfully, he was able to let out a sentence without too much grammatical blunder.

Everyone rushed to the door to check who their partners were. I stayed rooted to my seat as I didn't want to get clustered between sweaty bodies and different body odours. Soon the crowd at the door began to disperse and I stood up to check my name, praying  within me that I don't get paired with someone dumb.

That seemed offensive but in my defense, I didn't want anyone else to ruin my perfect grades more than it was already ruined.

"God please, no one dumb." I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes, chanting as I made my way to the door, picking at the list with one eyes closed.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now