Chapter 30

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Mature and Triggering Scene Ahead. Read at your own risk. 🔞🔞

Zaria's POV

I gasped for breath as I woke up with a start, perspiration dripping from my body even with the air conditioning at it's highest. My face was wet but not from sweat. From tears. I took several breaths to calm my racing heart and I allowed my mind to go back to the dream.

Suddenly everything became clear; Why I have been having those night mares for a long time and why I couldn't help her when she cried for help.

She cried to me for help...

I couldn't help all the while because that girl was Me...

...and the man...


I looked around frantically and saw it was already dark. I looked at the time and widened my eyes when I saw 8:30pm. I slept for four good hours. I heard foot steps downstairs which signified that Sam was back. I panicked, fear gripping me.

I have to get out of this house.

I picked up my jacket from the coat rack and wore it, picked up my phone and put it on. I tried putting a call over to Lyla but it wasn't going through. I called Joel but he wasn't picking.


I quickly wore my flip flops and got out of my room, still trying Joel's number. I descended the stair case and got down. Unfortunately, Sam was there. He looked up when he heard foot steps.

"Where are you going to?" He asked, his forehead creased in a frown. I ignored him and walked towards the door only to feel his strong hand come in contact with my forearm as he dragged me back, standing between me and door. I glared at him.

"Get out of my way Sam!" I snapped at him.

"I asked you a question and I demand an answer, Zaria. Where are you going?" He growled.

"Where I go or not go is none of your god damn business. So get the hell out of my way." I snapped again. He chuckled but there was no trace of humour in it.

"Or else? You are gonna report me to daddy and mummy?" He pouted, mimicking a little girl's voice. I groaned in pure irritation.

"Get out of my way Sam!" I warned again

"Or else what?" He repeated daringly.

Adrenaline burst through my veins and I swung my fist to punch him in the face. He staggered, groaning in pain and released me. I tried using that opportunity to escape but a strong pair of hands held my waist and threw me back in.

In the process, my back hit the sharp end of the glass table and I fell, groaning in pain. My hair came loose from its bun and fell loosely around my face. I looked up to see Sam walking toward me in predatory steps, blood on the side of his lips.

He picked me up effortlessly and threw me on the couch. I gasped, too weak to move. He took the remote and increased the volume of the TV to the highest, that way no one would know what was going on in the house. He came close to me and smirked.

Then he leaned in.

"Feisty, me likey. Turns me on 100%." He whispered, kissing my neck. I squirmed and whimpered. His smirk suddenly turned into a scowl. "But someone still has to learn their manners!!" He growled.

Suddenly his palm met my face in a hot slap. I screamed in pain as my cheek stung. He picked me up with my hair and flung me to the tiled floor. My right hand met the floor on impact and I heard a crack, before an excruciating pain shot through my hand. I tried to hold it up but it fell limp to my side. I looked up see Sam giving me a mock pity face.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now