Chapter 11

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Zaria's POV.

The girls and I were in the class. The teachers were having a meeting with the Principal and Board of Governors so that gave room for an automatic free period. Most of my classmates had dispersed to God knows where. Some guys have gone to play ball on the field.

Ada was also trying to convince us to go to the field to watch the boys, but I knew very well that she just wanted to cheer Joel up. Speaking of Joel, he's being trying to impress me all week and though I hated to admit it, my resolve is breaking gradually.

So I decided to avoid him at all cost.

"Guys na! Please let's go to the field. Lyla, you can cheer Kelvin up." Ada's whiny voice broke through my mind trip.

"Don't use Kelvin to blackmail me, abeg. I'm not in the mood." Lyla dismissed with the wave of her hand and went back to typing away on her phone. Ada faced me with a puppy dog look on her face and I started shaking my head.

"No. I'm not ready to watch hormonal guys running around the field, chasing a round ball. If you want to go and watch Joel, go right ahead. No one is stopping you." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

The last thing I wanted was Joel and I in the same place at the moment.

"It would be somehow if I'm the only girl there. Joel will definitely think of me as desperate. But if I'm there with you guys, it won't look bad. Please now." She pleaded again. Lyla sighed in resignation. I widened my eyes. If Lyla is agreeing, that means they will drag me along!

"Fine. Let's go." Then she looked at me. "Zaria, oya na. If I'm going then you are going." She pulled me up and I groaned.

My plan to avoid Joel was failing.

"Do I have to?" I asked Lyla and she shot me a glare in reply. I decided to keep quiet as we made our way and to the Stadium, Ada squealing excitedly all the way.


We got to the Stadium and saw that some of the girls were there as well watching the guys warm up as they got ready for second half. The hall reeked of masculinity and testosterone. I scrunched up my nose. Now, they will call it manly Musk.

For your mind.

"This is the reason why I hate coming to the stadium when the guys are playing ball." Lyla voiced out my thoughts and I nodded in agreement.

"I agree. It literally reeks." I chipped in. Ada rolled her eyes again and I feared that with the way she's rolling it too much, it might fall off one day.

The thought of that happening made me chuckle softly.

"You guys should just manage jhor. Look, the guys are there. Come on." She skipped away excitedly. Lyla looked at me and shook her head.

"Babe needs to chill." I told her and she nodded. We followed Ada behind and got to where the guys were getting hydrated. Kelvin sighted Lyla and his face quickly lit up.

"Babe." He jumped down from the bleachers and stretched his hand to hug Lyla. Lyla quickly escaped from under his stretched arm.

"No, I won't hug you. You are sweaty." She told him and he faked a hurt expression.

"Come on! This is just manly musk." He moved closer to her and Lyla screamed, running away from his grasp. Kelvin laughed as he resulted to chasing her around. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at their antics


Ada was already settled beside Joel, engaging him. Joel turned his head and his eyes met mine. I saw the corner of his lips stretch up in a small smile and I felt myself smile back. I allowed myself scan him. He was in an armless jersey and spot shorts. The party of his body that was left uncovered glistened with sweat, making his caramel skin pop.

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