Chapter 10

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Zaria's POV

It was the weekend and the maids had it off so every household duty was left to me, Aisha and my mother. Fortunately Sam hasn't bothered me or tried anything funny since that night and I was glad about that. I don't know if I am strong enough to handle him.

The last time I tried, it went ugly.

As I busied myself with sweeping the floor of the kitchen as my mind subconsciously went back to what Joel has said the last time we had a "chat". He claimed he wanted to know me. The real me.

I scoffed.

Yeah, right.

The real me isn't someone anyone should know about.

Joel was harmless, I know but so were my other friends and yet they have no idea the tiniest detail what is going on in my life. And I intend to keep it that way.

You are just the one over thinking all of these. I doubt that's what he meant by the real you. I pretty sure he just wants to know a good side of you. The tiny voice in my head said and I sighed.

That's how it all begins. I don't want to risk it at all.

I chuckled as I remembered how the girls bombarded me with questions when I got back to the garden.

Especially Ada.

She comes off too strong for her own good. I shook my head thoughtfully and got back to doing my chores.

I finished sweeping and went to put out the trash in the big dumpster across from the house. For estates, the government had already arrange men to be in charge of taking out the trash when it's filled up. I returned to the kitchen and started to do some cleaning. I was the only one at home and I was quite bored.

An idle hand they say, is the devil's work shop.

I plugged my ear with headphones and sang along to Simi's song "Chemistry". I was so engrossed I didn't hear anyone come in and me backing the entrance of the kitchen door, I didn't see or hear anyone come in.

The only thing I felt were strong arms around my midrib, close to my breasts and that alone made me jump almost sky high, turning around in the process.

"Sam?" I removed the headphones I had on and placed them on the island. His body had me trapped between him and counter and his hands blocked my sides. I couldn't escape.

"Did you miss me, pumpkin?" He whispered, bringing his lips close to my ear. I shivered at the contact. It gave me goose bumps but definitely not the good kind.

"What are you doing back this early?" I asked as I placed my hand on his broad chest and pushed against him, trying to bring as much as possible space between us.

"What's with the questions? Can't I see my favourite niece anymore? I am back to give you some company." He started to kiss my earlobe softly that I didn't even know when a whimper left my lips.

He chuckled at that, his chest rumbling beneath my palm. "See, you like what I do to you, don't you?" His kisses trailed down to my neck and his hands moved up my mid-rib to my right breast.

Suddenly, I came back to my senses, pushing him back with all I have got.

What the hell?!

"No! We can't keep doing this. You can't keep doing this." I told him, my voice quivering. I saw a flash of anger cross is face but it left just as quickly as it came.

"Come on, Zaria. You want this just as much as I want you. You always have." He said, his husky voice rumbling through the quiet house.

"That was before, okay? And you forced me into it. You are my uncle for Christ sake! Doesn't that tell me you anything?!" I screamed at him as tears left my eyes.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now