Chapter 32

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Joel's POV

"Joel!" I heard Charles call my name but I didn't move from my spot. I just sat down on the bench and buried my face in my hands.

"Joel." His voice got closer and I knew he had found me. I still didn't lift my head up.

Why did I run? I'm such a coward. She saw me run. What would be going on in my head now.

"What the hell was that about?" Charles asked immediately he got close to me and that was when I rose my head up.

"I don't know, I don't know why I ran. Why would I run?! What's wrong with me?!" I was asking frantically, rhetorically. Charles sighed and settled beside me.

"Guy, I know how you must be feeling. I understand that you feel it's all your fault but don't be so hard on yourself. It has happened. There is no way we can go back and change it." He told me but I shook my head in disagreement.

"I could have prevented it. I could have done something, anything, to prevent it from happening!" I snapped.

"You wouldn't have been able to prevent it forever, Joel. You are not God. You need to understand the fact that you are limited, even for those you love. Running away from the ward, who knows what Zaria is thinking?" He chided me and I sighed.

"I don't know what to do." I told him genuinely.

"It's okay not to know what to do. You just need to be there for her. She needs you now more than ever and running away isn't an option." He told me and I nodded.

She needs you.

"Let's go." I told Charles and we stood up and walked back to the ward.


"Aisha, please can you excuse us?" Zaria asked as soon as she saw me. Charles told the guys to wait outside. Aisha looked between both of us.

"I can't leave you." Aisha replied sternly and I understood where she was coming from. She felt like she has failed Zaria and this is her making up for it.

"Aisha, I'm fine. I'm not going anywhere. I just need some time alone with Joel." She said. Aisha's eyes widened in realization.

"This is Joel. I had no idea." Aisha flashed me a small smile and I smiled back before she stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Zaria and I in. Silence settled between us.

"Are you that repulsed by me that you decided to run?" Zaria's voice tore through the silence and I jerked my head up to looked at her. Her eyes were glassy with tears.

Is that how she felt? What have I done?

"What?! No!" I quickly rushed to her and sat down beside her on the bed. "I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry." I apologized frantically. I took her hand in mine, at least her good hand.

"Then why did you run?" She chocked out and I sighed, trying to gather my thoughts. Tears dropped in beads from my eyes.

"Because I was scared." I admitted, looking down in embarrassment. "I am scared. For once, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should hug you, or kiss you. You are in this position because of me. I promised you something and I wasn't there to keep it. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." I rambled on and on, tears flowing like a torrent.

"Hold me, please." Zaria said quietly and I didn't waste anytime before I gathered her in my arms and held her against me.

I sighed as I pulled her in tighter and closer. I knew I had to stay strong, for her. She felt so fragile in my arms and that's because she was. It felt like she was going to break any minute. I stroked her disheveled yet soft hair with my hand as my chin rested on top of her head while she still cried on my chest the more.

"I don't deserve you." She choked out and that only made me hug her tighter.

"Please, don't say that." I whispered, raising her face so that her eyes could meet mine. Beautiful and glassy with tears. She was beautiful, even in this situation.

I pressed my lips against hers, kissing her softly, tenderly, scared of breaking her. Taking my time to savour the feel of her lips against mind again. She wasn't kissing me back but she was letting me kiss her, and that was enough for me. More than enough for me.

"Everything would be fine." I told her repeatedly when I pulled away and she nodded. I have no idea how long we all stayed like that but suddenly we started to hear voices from the hallway. I pulled away from Zaria and we looked at each other in confusion.

"Show me where my daughter is or I will sue all of you!" An elderly woman's voice was heard. The accent was a mixture of Yoruba and Hausa accent and that immediately gave me an hint who it was. I looked at Zaria and I saw her face stone hard.

She was obviously angry.

There was a ruckus outside before Aisha came in, along side my mum, walking backwards as she tried to calm down a older version of her and a man that looked to be in his early 50s. I saw the slight resemblance between Zaria and himself. Obviously that's her father. Zaria bolted from her bed, looking very angry.

"What are both of you doing here?!" She asked through gritted teeth. Aisha finally left their mum and rushed to Zaria's side. Amina Coker finally looked at her daughter, her eyes glassy with tears.

"Zaria, Omolara mi... My daught...." She started but Zaria interrupted her.

"Don't you dare call me your daughter!" She screamed at them. I made to go out but Mum told me to stay put.

"Zaria please hear us out..." Femi Coker pleaded.

"Hear you out? Did I hear you ask me to hear you out?!" She asked, so much distaste evident in her hoarse voice. Then she let out a humour less laughter. "Did you even bother to hear me out several years ago when your so called saint of a brother sexually harassed me? Did you?" She asked.

"Omolara..." Amina Coker was weeping profusely and I began to pity the poor woman.

"Don't 'Omolara' me and answer the god damn question!" She screamed on top of her voice, I'm sure the foundation of the hospital shook. I was really scared of this Zaria.

"Zaria, we are your parents and we don't deserve this way you are talking to us. We deserve some respect!" Femi Coker decided to pull out the fatherly authority on Zaria, hoping to scare her.

This man still has the mouth to talk? What a father!

"Dad!" Aisha snapped at him. "With all due respect 'sir', If you don't want things to get worse, I suggest you keep quiet." She exhibited the lawyer in her and that shut him up.

"No Aisha, let him keep talking." Zaria scoffed. "Just so you know, you do not deserve my respect. You are the one to blame for all this because you paved way for Sam to come into my life and destroy it." Tears filled her eyes again and I sighed.

"Zaria... Please..." Amina Coker tried coming closer but Zaria moved back like her own mother's presence irritated her. Though I don't blame her for the behaviour. They obviously deserve it. Amina sighed.

"Please forgive and forget . Sam will definitely pay for what he did, that is a promise. We promise to do anything to make you forgive us." She pleaded.

"I might forgive you at last.... But Almighty God knows I will never forget the pain and sorrow you made me pass through." Zaria told them and they both sighed. "Now please leave my room." She ordered.

"Zaria, we are sorry." Femi Coker finally swallowed his pride and apologized.

"I said leave! Aisha, Rachael... Please tell them to go." Zaria returned to her bed, Aisha and I staying beside her.

"I think it's time for you to leave. I guess she just needs her space." Mum smiled good-naturedly and led them out. Zaria exhaled as tears fell from her eyes again. I took her hand in mine and gave it gentle strokes just to calm her nerves.

"Everything will me fine." Aisha stroked her knee in a soothing way. I sighed.

Everything has changed.

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