Chapter 5

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"Dude, that was really cruel, you know." Charles said as we walked into the hall together. My parents were yet to come and Charles was going home on his own so we still had time for a little chat

"What did I do wrong?" I feigned innocence.

"You know what you did wrong. You intentionally asked her about her score in public just to embarrass her." Charles replied. I looked at him and saw that he was a little annoyed. Then I remembered that he liked her.

I chuckled. "I didn't do it because of fun, Charles. I did it to put her in a place, something you guys can't do."

"Okay, maybe Zaria is a bit selfish and all, still you shouldn't have done that." He countered.

"If someone doesn't do it then she will keep walking over us. She will think she's better than everyone so someone has to prove her wrong. I had to do it and again, I didn't do it for fun." I said with a tone of finality.

My mum walked in through the door, "Hey sweetie." She hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I have been looking everywhere for you. I'm so sorry I came by late, I had to finish some things at work."

"It's okay mum, Charles kept me company." I nudged Charles in the side. He had been staring at my mum since she walked in. I wouldn't blame him though, the woman was too pretty for her own good.

"Oh, so this is the Charles I have been hearing about." Mum smiled at Charles. Charles suddenly turned a slight red and because of his complexion it was obvious.

"Good afternoon ma." He bowed his head slightly.

"How are you boy?"

"Fine, ma." Charles replied. After the pleasantries, mum offered to drop Charles off since his house was close to our estate. As we walked to the car, Mum was in front while Charles and I walked behind her.

"Guy, you mum is fine as fuck!" Charles said just loud enough for only me to hear.

"Thanks. But seriously dude, she is my mum. That's a no-no." I teased
"What do you take me for na?" He elbowed me in the side. I laughed as I moved forward to catch up with my Mum


Soon we got home and I went to my room. Dad was still at work so it was just my mum and I at home. I sat on my bed and brought out my laptop.

Opening Facebook, I searched for Zaria Coker. I just want to know more about her, I whispered to as if trying to convince myself that I wasn't acting like a stalker.

I found her account easily, her pictures weren't something that could be missed. I went through her profile; there were lots of pictures of her representing Limes Light in competitions and her getting trophies and medals at the end. I also saw pictures of her with Lyla, Ada and some other guys from school.

The knock on my door interrupted me.

"Come in." I said before shutting my laptop. My mum's head popped in with a smile playing on her natural pink lips.

"Sweetie, I need your help to prepare dinner." She stated.

"Alright mum. I would be down in a minute." She nodded and left.

I got down to the kitchen and started helping mum make dinner. With the looks of it, we would be eating Amala for lunch. She has gotten so good in cooking Nigerian traditional meals.

"So, Joel. Tell me about school today." Mum said.

I chuckled. "Well school was fun and uneventful. We had our physics test today and I had a ten. Almost everyone did though." I replied.

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