Chapter 28

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Zaria's POV

By the time I was rounding up with my story, Joel had already stood up from his seat in front of me and by the window, staring outside. I saw the death grip he had in the burglary and I gulped inaudibly. He hasn't spoken since I dropped the bombshell and I was terrified of his reaction.

"She insulted me and called me horrible names. She wouldn't believe me. To her Sam was a good boy who wouldn't hurt a fly." I gave a sarcastic laugh as tears falling from my eyes.

"When my dad came home that night, she told him what I had said. He didn't believe me. He even slapped me. He said I should never say a word about it in my entire life. Sam denied blatantly." I looked up a Joel through misty eyes. He had the rods in a death grip, I feared his knuckles would burst any minute.

"I still think they know I was telling the truth. They only wanted to bury the abomination before it would get out because incest has never been heard in the Coker family." I stated and I heard Joel scoff. I sniffed and continued.

"I was so hurt that my own parents didn't believe me. I stopped respecting them. Sam left for California and now he is back taunt my life." I concluded looking up. Joel was still so quiet and for so many reasons, it scared me.

"J-joel, please say s-something. Your silence is k-killing me." I stuttered out between chattering teeth.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

He finally turned around with fist clenched so hard, his veins were popping out and I could swear his finger nails were digging holes into his palm. He let out a humourless laughter as he walked up to where I was seated. The laugh signified one thing.

He was furious.

"It's taking all my will power not to punch something right now, cos God, I'm so furious." He said through gritted teeth and I flinched.

"I can't believe your parents acted that way! Why would they believe someone else over their own daughter. That's insane." He growled out in pure anger. "And that Bastard. God knows I'd beat him to a pulp the next time I see him." I knew he was talking about Sam.

"Joel, please." I quickly too his clenched fist in my arm and unclenched them. His fingers had dug holes into his palm quite alright. They were even bleeding.

I shifted his seat closer to where I was and pulled him to sit down. He was breathing heavily and I felt my heart swell with love and admiration. I rose his palm to my lips and placed a gentle kiss on it. I heard him sigh in satisfaction and I looked at him. 

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I wish there was a way we could make it all right again." He whispered as his right palm rested on my cheek, using his thumb to clean my tears, caressing my cheek in the process.  I looked down as fresh tears welled up in my eyes.

"It's not your fault. I'm not the perfect girl you thought I was. Who could have known that there was more to me than what was on the surface? Pretending I was perfect was my escape from what I was battling with inside." I told him. He tilted my head up to look at him.

"Hey, look at me." He muttered. "You are wrong. You have always been perfect. Perfection doesn't have to be flawless. You having so much scars makes you even more perfect. Don't let anyone convince you other wise." Joel said, the meaning behind his every word hitting me deep.

"I couldn't tell anyone. Not even Aisha my sister, Lyla and Ada or even Charles. I'm scared they will all leave." I looked away.

"You don't see me leaving." He tilted my chin to look at him.

"You are different. You trust me." I muttered.

"And so do they, especially Aisha. They would believe you." I looked away. "Love, look at me..." He cupped my face in his palm tenderly and looked me in the eye.

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