Chapter 9

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Joel's POV

I have still not gotten over what Zaria did. When I even spoke to Charles and the guys about it, they were shocked. Truthfully, Zaria kept to her word. She stayed out of my way, basically acted like I didn't even exist and it was kinda annoying because I kinda missed all the attention she was giving me all in the name of a challenge. 

I'm hopeless. 

"Zaria did that?!" Charles exclaimed in awe and surprise. I was even more surprised that they were surprised.

We were seated at the bleaches of the school stadium. Tyler wasn't with us. He was probably had himself locked up in the art studio. 

"Why are y'all so surprised?" I asked them, watching their priceless facial expressions that just seemed to crack me up. 

"Why won't we be surprised? This is Zaria we are talking about. Babe never apologizes." Kelvin chipped in dramatically. 

"Not to talk of actually going through all that length to show that she's really sorry." Taju added. 

"Was she all that bad before? Mehn, I don't even know what's going on." I stated. "She actually did surprise me though but I don't have it as bad as you guys." I added, chuckling. 

"Mehn, I am beginning to like this new Zaria oo. Do you think I should shoot my shot again?" Charles stroked his scanty beard in mock thoughtfulness and everyone burst into laughter. 

"Guy, fashi that one. Zaria doesn't have time for boys. If it's not book, it's athletics." Kelvin said. I felt something shift in me as I got interested at this new revelation of Zaria. 

"She's into athletics?" I asked them. 

"Mehn, you dunno warris going on. Zaria is the fastest female athlete in this school." Taju mentioned and I felt my chest swell up in admiration. 

"She's like a cheetah when it comes to the track with an unbeaten record." Charles chipped in. 

"No wonder you have to so bad for her. She's like, perfect." I shoved Charles playfully and he scoffed in return. 

"Abeg, I'm not even disturbing myself on her case anymore. Zaria and I will forever be Gees. She basically sees me as nothing but a baby brother. Irony is, I'm older than her." He said, trying to lighten the mood but I could sense the disappointment in his tone. 

"Damn! Bro Zone is the worse kind of Zone." I stated and he nodded, laughing it off. 

"Bro zone is even still better." Taju stated and we shifted our attention to him. "Have you heard of son zone? That's the worse." He added and Kelvin sat up in interest, ready to chip in his own take.

"I swear. I was half scared Lyla would son Zone me, giving that she's like five months older than me and all but that wasn't the case thankfully." There was this way Kelvin's face always lit up when he's talking about Lyla.

"Mehn! You definitely have the cooties for that girl. Are y'all now official?" I asked him.

"Not yet, but we are working towards it sha. I know she likes me though." He smiled. Taju and Charles teased and hailed him with different slangs while I just laughed and watched them. 

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now