Chapter 23

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Zaria's POV

As soon as we were done with the laundry, we moved to the garden to water the flowers. Joel had put off his T-shirt again and I was trying my best not to get distracted like before. I put off my grey sneakers and borrowed a pair of Joel's flip flops that were pretty big for my leg, but I really liked it.

We tried to make small conversations after the little moment we had in his room. I was still feeling hot all over and a little giddy. Truth be told, I wanted him to kiss me. I've never really kissed a guy back and I wanted to know how it felt like. My "first kiss" was nothing to write home about so I shoved the disgusting memory down the drain.

But now I wanted to share a real first kiss, with Joel. I can already imagine how romantic the kiss would be.

Look at you! Nonsense child!  I thought to myself and chuckled.

We got to the garden and then I realized that they also had a vegetable garden where tomato, cabbage and other vegetables were growing. There was also a large swimming pool at the side of the house. Joel took the two long hoses and fixed them to the mouth of the taps and turned it on.

"Do you swim?" I asked him as I picked one of the hoses up and started to water the plants and flowers. He came to join me and picked the other hose, joining me.

"Once in a while. Mostly when I feel like. You know, being really busy with school work and all. I swim when I want to relax my head." He explained.

"Ohhh." I nodded. My mind on its own began to conjure images of him in swimming trunk and I had to bit down against my lip to keep from giggling.

Oshey! Mumu button activated. Chai, see how man has turn you into didirin(idiot). I thought to myself, unconsciously chuckling out loud.

"What has got you all smiley?" His voice pierced through my lucid thoughts and I looked up at him. He had his eyes on me but was still hosing the flowers.

"Nothing. Just I series of thoughts." I told him. Why would I disclose that I was imagining him in a swimming trunk. He chuckled in response.

"I always wonder what goes on in that head of yours." He said and I smirked.

"Well, too bad you are not telepathic." I replied and he laughed.

"Touché." He muttered and I giggled in return."Can you swim?" He asked me. I giggled again but shook my head.

"I have never tried it before." I replied. "The irony of it all is that, we have a swimming pool at home but no one has ever touched it. I can remember my parents forbidding my sister and I from ever going close to it." I told him and he nodded.

"You know, I really don't know much about you, or your family." He said normally and a frown creased my face at the mention of my family. I quickly covered it up with a fake smile.

"You know a lot about me, Joel." I said, trying to by pass the topic

"Well apart from fact that you are very intelligent, a freakishly fast runner and a beauty..." He said that last part with a wink and I giggled. "...that's all I know about you. When I asked to be friends, I said I wanted to know the real you." He added. I sighed.

"There is really nothing to know about me... or my family. Honestly, there is nothing interesting going on that's so special like that. My parents are politicians, my elder sister is a Law student at Unilag. There really is nothing. Our lives are pretty boring."

I was trying to downplay everything to look like nothing in the best way I could, trying not to be suspicious. I saw Joel watch me intently, an unreadable expression on his face for a moment before he broke into a grin.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now