Twenty Four

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Jihoon's POV

   I held Soonyoung's hand as we walked down the hall to the front of the school where the rest of our brothers waited.

   "I missed this." He said out of nowhere.

   I looked at him as we made our way down the hall. "You missed what? School?" I laughed. "Is your head okay, Soonie? 'Cause you're not thinking straight."

   He stopped and lightly pushed me against the wall, standing over me as I stared up at his face that was decorated with a sweet smile.

   I felt my cheeks burning up. I looked down and gulped, staring right in front of me at Soonyoung's chest because if I stared at his face any longer my heart would stop beating.

   He brushed a few strands of hair out of my face then swiftly brought his hand under my chin and lifted my head so I looked into his eyes.

   "Me? Thinking straight? You know I don't do straight." He laughed. "No, I missed you. Being able to hold you and be with you. Now that I have my memory back, I remember all the moments we had together and how many moments years we missed together."

   "Stop it." I hit him playfully and smiled. "You're so cheesy." I went into my tippy toes and quickly pecked him on the lips. "Come on, the rest of them are probably waiting for us."

   I ran down the hall towards the front of the school leaving Soonyoung at the wall.

Soonyoung's POV

   Jihoon tippy toed to my height and quickly kissed my lips before running off.

   "Come on, the rest of them are probably waiting for us." He said.

   I stood in place and smiled to myself. That cute little ball of fluff has my heart under some sort of spell because the amount of love I have for him seems impossible.

   I followed him to the front of the school where our brothers waited. Our parents would come after school to pick us up almost everyday because our mom became extremely paranoid of losing one of us after what happened to me.

Long story short, I lost my memory, got adopted and lived in California for almost ten years, recently moved to Korea, got my memory back and now I'm back with my real family.

I still keep in touch with my adoptive moms though. They're the best. But when I got my memory back I remembered how much I missed with my real family and the years I spent without Jihoon.

I stood at the front doors with the rest of my brothers and we noticed a girl walk out the school door with a woman whom we assumed was her mother. She was carrying her bag and practically bawling her eyes out as she was lead to a car.

A malevolent grin spread across Seungkwan's face.

Vernon's glanced at the girl then turned to Seungkwan. "What did you do???" He perplexed.

Seungkwan shrugged. "You don't need to know." He said. "I simply got rid of her."

"Who'd you kill?" Wonwoo interrupted.

Jisoo Hyung stepped up. "I swear, Seungkwan, if you killed someone-

"I got no blood on my hands, Hyung." Seungkwan replied. "Don't worry."

"Aw, why not?" Minghao added.

Jun hit him on the shoulder. "Killing is bad, Hao."

Minghao pouted. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Okay, I'm not gonna ask how you did that but is she okay?" Mingyu spoke.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. I just ruined her reputation..." Seungkwan responded. "But I went easy on her considering she tried to steal my Vernon."

"Oh yeah, you really did go easy on her." Chan put in.

At that moment, mom and dad came to pick us up and we all went home.

Once I got into the house, I ran to the bedroom I shared with Jihoon and belly flopped onto the bed.

Jihoon walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked.

I flipped onto my back and took out my phone. "Nothing. Why?"

Jihoon walked over to his desk that sat against the wall next to the bed and took a seat in the chair.

"We have a test tomorrow." He intoned looking through his bag and took out some flash cards.

I sat up and faced Jihoon. "So?"

"So?" He mimicked. "You may be older than me but I'm definitely more mature. We have to study, come on."

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