You're the Android sent from Cyberlife (Human!Connor x Android!Reader)

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Synopsis: You're a new advanced prototype model, designed to assist the detroit police in hunting down Deviant androids. Of course, being a prototype, you're bound to have some errors in your programming. When you come across a particular detective, the son of the infamous Lieutenant Anderson, you start to feel something. Something that you were not supposed to feel. Something that makes you question the very people who brought you to life.

Word Count: 3767


"RK800, power on."

Your eyes flickered open. You were standing in a brightly lit room, opposite a Cyberlife employee you didn't recognise. The employee, a woman who appeared to be in her late 30s, wrote in her notebook.

"Register your name," She said boredly.

"My name is [F/N]."


You cautiously stepped off the pedestal, walking towards the woman. You analysed her face.

Name: Rebecca Waller

Born: 06/04/2005

Occupation: Cyberlife  android developer

"Hello Ms Waller," You addressed her. "Your name is not registered in my database. Would you like to register it now?"

"That won't be necessary," She replied rather coldly, gathering her notes. "You'll be sent out soon enough."

"Where will I be employed?"

"You will hear more about it from your interface, but you have been designed specifically for work at the Detroit City Police Department. Once you are sent out, you will be expected to track down Lieutenant Anderson."

You blinked, LED flashed amber.

"Understood. I will track down Lieutenant Anderson."

She finally smiled. "Good. The others will be happy with your progress." She started to leave the room, and gestured for you to follow. You walked behind her down the long brightly lit hallway, reaching a warehouse area with hundreds of androids who looked just like you. You didn't stop to analyse them though, as you were quickly brought to an area outside the Cyberlife building.

After you checked in with several other Cyberlife workers, and they ran a few more tests on you, you were ready to go.

Your mission: Track down Lieutenant Anderson of the Detroit City Police department.


The night was cold. You could tell from your temperature module. You however, didn't feel it through your synthetic skin. You walked at a pace through the city, past other androids and humans as well.

You soon came to a place called Jimmy's bar. Noting the 'no androids' sign, you gently pushed open the door and walked inside. You were on a mission; breaking a few rules wouldn't matter.

When you entered, the others in the bar turned to look at you. In your simple grey and white android uniform with a blue triangle on your chest, you stood out.

You scanned the room, searching for the Lieutenant. You didn't have to search for long however; you heard voices.

"Did you see that?!"

"I didn't think that move was allowed!" Another voice replied, laughing. Two people, an older man with greying hair, and a younger man with short chocolate brown hair were sitting at the bar and staring up at the television. A hockey match was playing on the television. As you approached, the younger man turned to look at you. He nudged the older man, and he also looked.

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