Love Sick (Connor x Sick!Reader)

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Synopsis: You are the determined and motivated top officer at the Detroit City Police Department. However, when you suddenly catch a fever, Connor becomes increasingly worried for you. Connor takes it upon himself to care for you in your weakest moments.

Connor x Sick!Reader (Requested by MadilineDreams)

So sorry it took me so long to write this! I was struggling with writers block for a long time. I hope you will enjoy <3

Word Count: 2792


The deviant was fast. You and Connor pursued it, even through the blistering cold wind and snow that felt like knives on your skin. The only part of the deviant you could truly see ahead of you was the LED, glowing amber in the light. You heard the Lieutenant's footsteps growing further and further behind you. You continued to chase the deviant, Connor by your side, through the snow covered park. It seemed never-ending, but you and Connor had a plan. You smiled at him knowingly now. You took a shortcut to the left; Connor to the right. Veering off the track, you traveled down a path you knew so well, even the raging snow did not deter you. You soon found yourself by the ice covered lake, and right on time too. The deviant sped towards you. You expected it to freeze when it saw you, and then turn away from the lake, right into the place where Connor hid. However, it took you by surprise when the android continued to speed towards you, the snow too slippery for it to stop. Perhaps it was smart enough to already know of your plan. Without warning, it shoved you with all its strength, causing you to topple straight into the icy lake. You gasped as cold water rushed around your body.

"[F/N]!!" You heard Connor call. You saw his blurry face above the surface of the water, but as you reached up towards him, the ice numbed your limbs, making them feel heavy and unmovable. The cold made your body feel like lead. Soon your eyes began to fall closed. Everything turned black.


You gasped awake, your limbs frantically waving around, trying to swim through the thick icy water. You soon came to realize however, that you felt the complete opposite of 'icy'. Your body felt like it was on the surface of the sun right now. You collapsed back onto a soft place. You gazed around to find yourself in your bedroom, on your soft bed. Everything slowly began to come back to you now. You remembered waking up in someone's arms... but you couldn't remember who exactly. Somehow, they carried you here. You were interrupted in your thoughts by the sound of your phone vibrating on the bedside table. You picked it up, to find several missed calls and texts. Some from some friends, colleagues, the Lieutenant, and to your surprise; Connor. What was Connor doing trying to call you? The thought made you blush.

Wait... blush? That was strange. Maybe this fever was all going to your head. With that in mind, you decided instead to call back the Lieutenant. The phone buzzed for a few moments, and then connected.

"Jesus christ, we thought you were dead!" The Lieutenant grumbled before you could speak.

"Hello to you too."

"Listen we got a major case on our hands. An android has hacked the broadcast system... saying somethin' about rights for androids... have you seen it?"

"Wait... what?" You mumbled, your head still foggy. "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm Hank..." He grouched. "Listen. We need you to get better, and quickly, alright? You're needed for the case." He paused for a moment. Suddenly you became aware of footsteps in the background, as if someone was pacing back and forth. The Lieutenant turned to someone in the background, and muttered, "Would you stop that?!" Before he turned back to you and continued, "Plus, someone here is too fidgety to begin work on a new case, all because you are running a fever."

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