True Strength (Markus x Shy!Reader)

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Sorry for my inactivity!! Writers block getting me again ;(

This was requested. I hope you like it!

Word Count: 4166


The wind whipped your hair across your face as you raced between the abandoned buildings. The rain drenched your frame, causing your breaths to come out in short gasps. It was early afternoon, and yet the dark clouds in the sky caused the world around you to seem as dark as night.

There was no shelters nearby from the rain. You had tried again and again to go inside the abandoned buildings, but they were all locked or sealed shut with planks. But you couldn't stop.

That was when you spotted it; a freighter that seemed different from the others. The words 'Jericho' stood out on the side of it, a beacon in the midst of despair. You struggled towards it, gritting your teeth against the harsh biting wind. Just a little further... you pushed yourself, feeling your muscles aching with the tension of weeks of endless walking.

You felt relief wash over you when you forced the entrance to the freighter open. Climbing inside, you immediately noticed how the wind was no longer thrashing your body. You slowly forced your aching limbs to move, as you crawled into a space out of the light of the entrance. You fell into the darkness of the shadows, and let your eyes finally close.


"...say we kill her. She's a snitch from the police departments. If the FBI gets word of us, they'll destroy us all."

"She doesn't have any weapons, and she isn't wearing a uniform. I don't think she came to get us..."

"Shh... she's waking up."

The voices around you hushed as your eyes fluttered open. Immediately, dizziness and nausea washed over you. The people staring at you were all up side down. No... you were upside down.

You shook your head in the hopes of relieving the blood pounding in your temple, but to no avail. What was this place?

A man with blonde hair moved forward, and gave you a gentle smile. "You don't need to be scared. We just want to ask you some questions."

You reflexively tried to move back, but the ropes that suspended you only swung. You panicked, writhing against your restraints. A girl with long brown hair pushed past the man.

"Oh don't pity the human," She leaned forward towards your face. "You're from the FBI aren't you? Come to snitch on us?"

"N-No!!" You gasped, your first words in front of these terrifying people. "P-Please, I am not here to hurt any of you. I just wanted shelter from the storm." You struggled again in your bindings. "P-Please, just let me go!!"

"I'm sorry, we can't let you go," A man with darker skin said. "We can't risk anyone finding this place."

"P-Please!!" You begged more, and the woman laughed. Just then, you heard footsteps from across the room. The woman turned, and you heard her intake of breath.


The man named Markus moved slowly towards you, and you watched as his features, upside down, came into focus.

"What are you doing? I told you to let her move freely."

"She could have weapons," The man with dark skin said, "We just wanted an extra precaution."

"We can't win freedom against humans through violence," Markus insisted, "North, untie the girl."

North scowled, pulling a pocket knife out and slashing the ropes that bound you. You crashed to the floor, groaning as your limbs ached on the sudden impact.

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