A Queen for a King (Yandere!Markus x Reader)

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This was requested by Crazy_Angel101. I hope you enjoy it! :)


It was close. You could hear the sounds of movement nearby; a developed extra sense that you had from working for the police for so long. But you would have to keep your wits about you today. If this freighter really was what they called 'Jericho', you would need to play it cool and try and stay under the radar. It probably wouldn't work. But it may and that was what kept you going. Before you worked for the police, you enjoying acting, and playing the part was something that had helped you through many difficult cases. This was just another case. You eyed your reflection in a nearby broken glass window. The fake plastic LED on your right temple looked very realistic. It changed to yellow every few moments, at regular intervals. Androids looked very human-like so surely you could fit in. It wouldn't be for long. You simply had to get close enough to their leader.

You finally came across the freighter. It was huge and seemed devoid of life. You couldn't see any movement near it. It was a miracle that you even managed to find the place. Your investigation team had managed to capture a Deviant android who knew of the location, and after its memories were uploaded, the location for Jericho was discovered. They decided to send you, the only one on the team who had high knowledge in android and Deviant behavior in particular. (This is set in an AU where Connor is not on this team, so Connor was not sent to Jericho.)

This brought you to the current moment, where you had managed to sneak onto the freighter. There were deviants everywhere, and your nerves were quickly rising. You had only just dawned on you the high risk level of this mission. If these Deviants discovered you, they wouldn't hesitate to destroy you.

You had seen on the news and reports of the destruction these Deviants caused: The human lives they have ended; The cities and buildings they had burned and destroyed. That was why you had to put an end to this.

You noticed an android who seemed to have no back of its head watching you. Slowly she moved towards you, and you avoided eye contact.

"Welcome to Jericho. I don't believe we have met," The female androids voice was calming, but you also sensed a hint of aggression.

"Thank you... It's nice to meet you," You replied, trying to keep calm. "I'm [F/N]. What's your name?"

"Lucy... that's what they call me," She eyed the currently amber colour of your fake LED and then looked back to you. She seemed to stare into your soul.

Lucy led you through the crowds of androids. They all stared at you. While you walked, Lucy spoke to you, about how you found Jericho and what made you become Deviant. You lied and told her you worked as a police android, when you realized what you were doing was wrong. You had heard from other androids of a place called Jericho where you could live in peace. Lucy continued to stare at you with increasing suspicion. You wanted to get away as soon as possible. You made a move to walk further away, but she grabbed your hand.

"You were a police android before, isn't that correct?" She tilted her head. "Then you must know what I did before arriving at Jericho also..."

You hadn't thought through that story. You quickly eyed the uniform she wore. Not a household android. You had seen it before, a long time ago. What was it? Too late. Lucy smiled knowingly.

"[F/N]... I do apologize, but you can never be too cautious," She raised your hand still holding yours up. "Could you please deactivate your skin for a moment?" You felt your face go pale. You saw the skin on her hand deactivate. You thought quickly. What could you do now? You glanced down at the gun that was in it's holster, hidden underneath your jacket. You could shoot but there were too many androids. You needed to shoot their leader. You pulled your hand away.

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