Someone to Live For (Ralph x Reader)

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"[F/N], have you taken out the trash yet?"

"I'm doing it now!!" You call out. You sigh inwardly, hoping that your manager didn't hear. You hated your job. Though you knew you should be grateful you had a job at all, considering the rise in androids taking over human jobs. Working in fast food was not what you expected yourself to be doing at an age where you could be doing so much more, but here you were.

The outside night air was cold. You dragged the rubbish bag over to the heap. Taking out the trash was annoying, but surprisingly, it wasn't your least favourite part about your job. In fact, you actually had found many things before that could be used again, even if other people had thrown them away; especially androids. You had a secret hobby of taking old and broken androids and repairing them. You had a special place in your house, where you would let them stay and recuperate. You had never told anyone this, because a lot of people would have thought you were crazy; But you loved doing it. And you had a hope that maybe one day, you could make repairing androids more of a full time job. 

You are about to go back inside, when you hear a noise; A kind of whirring sound. You walk over to the source of the noise. You can see an red coloured LED glowing in the darkness. There you find a male android in a very bad state of disrepair. Its body dented and covered with scratches, marks, and burns everywhere, particularly on its left cheek. Its eye was damaged to what seemed to be beyond repair, and it was covered with thyrium. It hurt you to see an android in such a bad state. Who could have done such a thing? At first you thought the android was completely deactivated, but after eyeing the red LED which still spun slowly on its temple, and listening to the whirring of biocomponents, the android was indeed still functional, just in rest mode. You decided to return after work and take it back home with you to make the necessary repairs.


"I'm home!" You called out. The android you had found was draped over your shoulders, and you slowly walked with it. The few androids recuperating in their room greeted you. You walked to the doorway. It was a small room, but a comfortable room, suitable for the androids to relax and recover in. You had cushions leaning against the walls, and a couple of beds for them to lie on. There were three androids there at the moment, a male GJ500 android named Chase who was missing an eye and an arm, a female ST300 android named Nox who was missing most of the back of her head and had exposed internal biocomponents, and a female WR400 android who hadn't awoken yet, and was currently lying on one of the beds, slowly recovering.

"Chase, help me with this one," You gestured to the damaged android over your shoulder. The male android came over to help you lift it to the repair room. Your repair room was a small, almost hidden room you had at the back of the house. It had a simple table, a desk, and tools lined on the walls. You also had some drawers where you kept spare thyrium and other essential working biocomponents you could get your hands on for cases like this. Chase lingered, watching you put the new android on the table and switch on the lamp.

"I have prepared dinner for you," Chase said. "It is your favourite." You smiled at him.

"Thank you Chase. Could you please bring it here? This might take a while."


You worked long into the night, resupplying thyrium to the android, carefully repairing the dents and scratches that covered its body. The only part you were unable to repair were the deep scars on the cheek, which seemed to have been burned there. You touched them carefully, the android still deep in rest mode, not responding. You looked over the androids face. He was a beautiful android, even with the scars that now covered his face and body. His LED had now returned to a calm blue colour. All the android needed now was to stay in rest mode for a while to let the thyrium go through. You looked at the clock on the wall. You had been there for hours. You decided to try and get at least a little sleep, before you would have to work the next morning.

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