Programmed to Love You (Yandere!RK900 x Reader)

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I think I have a yandere thing going on at the moment, I swear 😂

Synopsis: You are the daughter of the famous Elijah Kamski, and he designed a new prototype, an RK900, to be your very own bodyguard ;D

WARNING: Themes of mental and physical abuse. Drug use and blood.

Word count: 4319 words


It was the same nightmare again. The man stalked you through the shadows, and even when you moved into the depths of the crowds, he was still there. Watching you. You could feel his eyes moving up and down your body, and goosebumps rose on your neck. No matter where you went, the stalkers were always there. You couldn't escape them, even when you ran. But you still tried to run. Your legs were like jelly. It was as if you were running in slow motion, and he got closer and closer. You felt his hand on your shoulder. [F/N]! [F/N]!

You gasped awake. You could feel the cold sweat on your body, your racing heart pounding as if it would burst through your chest. The hand was still on your shoulder. You screamed and shook it off, crawling away. The man pulled you closer, holding you to his chest. You screamed again, but he put his hand over your mouth.

"Shhh... Shhh... it's okay [F/N], it's okay... it's only me."

You took deep breaths. He cradled you there, softly stroking your hair. You started to calm down when you saw his face in the light from the stars outside. It wasn't the terrifying man you saw in your nightmares. You would recognise those chiseled cheekbones, soft chocolate coloured hair, those steel eyes anywhere. You heard the slight whirring of his biocomponents.

"Cain..." You murmured, touching his face.

"Did you have  another nightmare...?" He whispered.

"Yes... the very same."


Being the daughter of the famous Elijah Kamski, founder and CEO of Cyberlife, you were present in many meetings and reports. You used to have a deep interest in androids, an interest that fans claimed would make you the new future CEO of Cyberlife. Reporters called you beautiful, perfect, just like the androids that you assisted in creating. You adored creating androids. You swore you would take the place of your father in the future, and assist Cyberlife in the creation of androids for years to come. That was, before the incident.

A particular fan became too close to you; too attached. He began following you everywhere, no matter where you went. Even when you stopped leaving the house, he continued to try and break in to get to you. He sent you love letters in the mail, left flowers at your door, and seemed to be convinced that you and him were destined for each other. Not wanting to worry your father, you hid it; Or tried to at least. 

The problem was, you didn't even know this fan. You didn't know who he was, where he was; just that he was there. Perhaps if you had known, 'the incident' never would have happened. But perhaps if you had known, things would have turned out much worse.

Your father was ill on that day. Due to this, you sat in on a meeting in his place. The meeting went very well. So well in fact, that you were invited to have drinks with some of his colleagues afterwards. You got along well with your fathers colleagues, and you accepted the offer. 

You didn't notice the strange taste of the wine at the time. It was only a small dose; but it was enough. When you left to catch a self driving cab, you felt dizzy. You could hardly stand. One of your fathers colleagues followed you out. You couldn't remember his face, but you knew it was him; The one who had been stalking you for so long. He injected something into the side of your neck, and you fell unconscious.

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