To love an android (Ralph x Yandere!Reader)

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This one is requested by Kitty18Katz.

I have never written a yandere reader story before, so this was something different. I hope you will enjoy it! :)

[WARNING] - Themes of abuse


You eyed the clock on the wall of your office tiredly. Five minutes. Five minutes until lunch break. The hours seemed to stretch on as the time got closer. You got up the moment it reached twelve, not meeting the gaze of any of your co-workers, quickly leaving the building and walking towards the large park where you always went on your lunch breaks. It was a beautiful warm day, and you couldn't see a cloud in the sky. But it was not the pleasant weather that brought you to that park day after day, or the gorgeous greenery that was so well maintained; it was the one who was maintaining it. A WR600 android who called himself Ralph. Before you had met the android, you went to the park often as a way to get away from your other co-workers. Truth was, you were never a very sociable person, and preferred to be in your own company. Ralph began to take notice of you, as you always sat on the same bench near where he was stationed. You found yourself slowly beginning to open up to the android, telling him things you never told anyone else. You knew deep down that he was just an android. Though no matter hard you tried, you couldn't help but like Ralph.

As you got closer to the place in the park where you usually sat, a place with a small duck pond nearby, and flowering shrubbery, you saw him. He was patiently clipping a hedge, his expression resting. You carefully sat down on the bench, getting out your sandwiches. Some days he ignored you; and that was fine. He had a job to do after all and you didn't want to intrude on it. Just being in his presence was enough. You ate slowly, taking up as much time of your break as possible.

"You're here early [F/N]," He said quietly, enough for you to hear. His acknowledgement surprised you.

"Who wouldn't want to be here early on a day like today?" You smiled, gesturing to the beautiful scenery around you. Ralph's expressionless face formed into a slight smile. He continued to clip the hedge as he spoke.

"I don't want to intrude on your break... but I planted some carnations earlier. I thought you may be interested."

"Really? I love carnations," You grinned. "Where are they?"

Ralph gestured to a small patch near the hedge he was clipping, where some small carnation plants were growing. You crouched beside them. They truly were very beautiful. Ralph put down his hedge clippers for a moment, and to your surprise, put one of the carnations in your hair.

"Their beauty reminded me of you," He said quietly. So quietly that he may not have said it at all. Then the moment was over, and he was resuming his work. You felt your cheeks turn red. Of course he didn't say that; You were just imagining things.

For the rest of your break, you were both silent, but it was a peaceful silence. You enjoyed your time spent with Ralph, but the time always seemed to pass too quickly, and soon you had to return to your boring office. You felt as if you were always trapped behind a glass, staring out at the world from your cage. Sometimes you wondered if you were an android too, perhaps things could be different.

You were so lost in your own thoughts, that you didn't notice the person standing in front of you until you felt his hand on your shoulder. It was one of your co-workers, Marsh Winter's; and you despised him. As much as you felt your skin crawl however, you forced a smile.

"Good afternoon Winter's," You quickly made a move to the elevator. "Pleasant weather isn't it?"

"Yes, it is quite pleasant, now that I've seen you," Your forced smile faltered. He continued, "I thought I told you to call me Marsh."

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