It's not like I'm deviant... (Tsundere!Connor x Reader)

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Synopsis: You begin working with Lieutenant Anderson and an android sent from Cyberlife named Connor. Yet as you start working with Connor, you notice his strange tendencies towards you; and wonder if it could lead to something more...

Word Count: 2914


"You needed to speak with me Captain Fowler?" You clasped your hands behind your back nervously as you stood in Captain Jeffrey Fowler's office. Across from you the man himself glanced at a screen, and then to your surprise smiled back at you.

"Take a seat Miss [L/N]." You did as you were told, taking a seat across from him, on a cushy chair. Fowler leaned back, casually looking over documents scattered across his desk.

"You've been with us for only a month [L/N], and yet you have proved yourself a very worthy investigator for this department. You have succeeded in more cases in a month than most here can achieve in a year. You should be proud of yourself."

You blinked in surprise. When you were summoned to the Captain's office, this was not what you had expected. But it was true; you had been pushing yourself ever since you managed to score a job at the Detroit City Police Department. "Thank you sir," You replied, smiling.

"That is why..." Fowler continued, riffling through some documents. "I believe you are the only one I can trust with this."

"What is it?" Your face fell at his serious expression.

"I'm certain you know of... Lieutenant Anderson's current destructive tendencies to investigations. Plus the various disciplinary warnings he has received."

"Who hasn't?"

"Well... he has recently been partnered with an android Cyberlife sent us. To help things run along more smoothly, I thought you could also guide these two to a more... er... peaceful partnership."

"Isn't that the android's job?"

"Well... yes. But since you have already achieved many cases in the human side of things, I thought you could help them with the deviant cases. They're piling up, and someone needs to sort things out."

"But I... I'm already involved in an investigation with Detective Reed."

"I'm counting on you. I'm certain I can trust you with this task," Fowler leaned on the desk towards you, a determined look on his face. You knew you wouldn't be able to say no.

"Yes sir... I'll do my best."

"Excellent," Fowler smiled. "I knew you were the right person to ask." He passed a yellow case file to you. "You should go and make yourself acquainted."

"Understood." You rose from the desk and quietly left the Captain's office. As you scanned the room, you immediately noticed an argument happening near the Lieutenant's desk. Sighing, you slowly moved towards that direction.

"I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant! I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working." A younger man, presumably the android said. You gasped in shock as you saw the Lieutenant grab the android's collar and slam him against the wall.

"Listen asshole; if it was up to me I'd throw the lot of you in the dumpster and set a match to it. So stop pissing me off! Or things are gonna get nasty."

You slowly stepped behind them and cleared your throat. The Lieutenant wheeled around in surprise, then scowled when he saw you.

"Oh, it's just you. Let me guess; Jeffrey sent you?" 

"Yes, the Captain did actually," You smiled. "I don't mean to interrupt, but Captain Fowler assigned me to assist you with the deviant cases."

"Yeah, yeah, of course he did," The Lieutenant said uncommitted, sinking into his chair. "You've barely been here a month and you've already become the 'class favourite'." He then muttered, "Show off." You scowled.

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