A Human Kind of Emotion (RK900 x Reader)

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This was requested by filename2isbestboi! Hope you enjoy! ♥ :)


"Power on."

The android sitting across from you blinked its grey coloured eyes. It first scanned your face, then analyzed the rest of the room.

"Please state your serial number, release date, and purpose."

"RK900 #313 248 317 -87," It replied softly. "Released November 2038. I am an advanced prototype model designed to assist humans investigating cases relating to deviant androids."

"Excellent," You scrawled a note in your notebook. "You may get down now."

The RK900 sat in front of you on the padded table. You sat across from it on a chair, notebook in hand. As you stood up and moved to examine notes on its outdated model, the RK900 put its white and black jacket on. You turned to watch as it carefully lifted itself from the table.

"How do you feel?" You asked, smiling at the curiosity in the android's expression.

"All functions are in working order." It looked cautiously at you. You continued to look over your notes. You noticed its analyzing look. You turned so it could properly analyze your face.

"Your face is not registered in my database. Would you like to register it now?"

You laughed. Its speech sounded awkward and a little mechanical. It was no wonder why the RK900 wasn't designed for social integration, as its previous model was. Even still, you would have to work on that. It waited patiently for your response, so you gave it one.

"Yes... please," You added. "My name is [F/N] [L/N.] I am a new Cyberlife assistant. I'm here to help you integrate into society." It blinked slowly, registering the information.

"Face saved to database. Good evening assistant [L/N]."

"That sounds very formal. You can just call me [F/N]."

"Understood. You have been registered as '[F/N].'"

"Well you seem to be functional. That's good," You looked the android square in the eyes. It didn't look away. "You know... RK900 seems to be a lot to say. Have you been registered a name?"

"No name has been registered on my database."

"Okay... hmmm" You glanced away as you thought for ideas. You had never named an android before. You looked over your notes on the previous android model, who had been named 'Connor'. "Well, according to these notes, your previous model had been nicknamed Connor. So perhaps to keep things easy, we can nickname you another name that starts with C. Do you have any ideas?"

"I do not have any preferences."

"Well... maybe I can call you Cain?" You smiled. The RK900 blinked. "Cain? That name seems to suit you."

"Name registered. My name is Cain."

"Excellent. Alright Cain," You gestured to a chair opposite you, holding a book with several prewritten sentences written on it. "Shall we get started?"

For hours you sat with Cain, showing it various sentences, quotes and other words that would help it integrate into society. Then you proceeded to show Cain photographs and landmarks. The session was progressing very well, and you were surprised to find yourself feeling disappointed that your shift was almost over. You were distracted in your thoughts for a moment, when Cain pointed out a particular photograph. The photograph portrayed a little white dog, running through the grass.

"Is that a dog?"

You laughed. Of all the questions the android had asked... "Yes, that's a dog. Do you like dogs Cain?"

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