Eternally Beautiful (Yandere!Kamski x Reader)

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I decided to unpublish my previous Part 1 Kamski x Reader, and shorten it and put it together in a single one shot. I wasn't sure of how to end the story at first, hence why I made it into two parts. This time, I have combined both parts, and made it less wordy. I hope you will enjoy it! :)

Synopsis: Ever since you had first been introduced to androids, you had developed a fascination for them. Kamski's development of androids quickly expanded, until androids seemed to be everywhere. One day, on a study trip with your university, you have a chance to meet Elijah Kamski himself. He immediately takes a liking to you, and when he offers you the position of being his personal assistant, you can't say no. But what happens when you begin to notice two sides to Kamski? A calm and serene side, and a dark, cold and manipulative side.

Yandere!Kamski x Reader (Requested by kaylathecat8)

WARNING: Really creepy, with themes of mental and physical abuse and violence

Word Count: 4124


When you woke up, all you saw was darkness. A black void that threatened to swallow you whole. You didn't like it. You feared the darkness. You tried to move away from it, but no matter where you turned, the empty hollowness of the expanse remained. The thing that was gone, was the pain you normally felt in your limbs. Your arms and legs moved freely, easily, as if you had been completely reborn. Perhaps you had.

A light flickered on above your head, temporarily blinding you.

"You look beautiful [F/N]. Young... flawless... and beautiful forever."

You couldn't see who the voice belonged to, but you already knew. You felt a familiar chill down your spine. As you looked down at yourself, your body, you realized that even with the blinding light, the dark empty hollowness remained.


Detroit Become Human - 2028

The rain made the dreary weather worse. It dripped down the window of your university classroom, disappearing from view. But even the rain couldn't dampen your good mood.

Your lecturer had informed you earlier that you would be taking a study trip to Cyberlife, where you would be able to personally meet Elijah Kamski. You would have the opportunity to ask him a single question, which you would then have to use for your essay on android creation. Ever since that announcement, you had been completely ecstatic, and you did nothing to try and hide it.

Your only problem was that you weren't sure what question you should ask him. After all, you had too many questions. The others in your class were already beginning their personal research, and had their questions in mind. But you? You didn't even know where to begin.

Still, you couldn't help but be excited. After all, you would finally get the chance to meet your idol, the one who inspired you to go into AI studies in the first place. So no matter what happened, you would be excited.

It was still raining on the day of the trip. The rain and dark clouds however did nothing to obscure the incredible sight of the Cyberlife tower looming in front of you. The blue lights of the tower seemed to stand out in contrast with the darkness of the sky, and the LED lights at the base of it spelling 'Cyberlife' seemed to wake you from your trace. You were really, truly, here.

The inside was just as incredible. As a tour guide showed you each of the newly created android models, you gazed in awe at the way technology had seemed to grow since you were a child. As you were distracted, you almost became separated from the group.

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