A Human Kind of Attraction (North x Connor x Reader Love Triangle)

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This is requested by ACE_IT_. Hope you enjoy! :)


You checked the time on your phone. Five minutes. Five minutes and you would see him again. It had been about a year since you last saw the android. You worked together as partners on various Deviant cases, solving crimes, and accomplishing missions as a team. You couldn't deny that you had a crush on Connor back then, but since he was an android, it could never work out for you. Since the androids won the revolution a year ago however, you thought that perhaps this time, he may consider your feelings.

You were now standing outside the cafe, waiting for him to approach. To your surprise, it was Connor who had contacted you first. He wanted to meet you again after such a long time. You were very relieved to hear from him again, knowing that he had made it through the revolution safely. You were excited to talk with him again, and catch up on everything you had missed through the years you had been apart.

You were interrupted in your thoughts at the sounds of footsteps approaching you. You looked up and beamed. It was him. Connor was standing right before your very eyes. He gave a very thin-lipped smile, and you couldn't stop yourself.

"Connor!!" You ran to him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Connor, I missed you so much..." Connor very slowly, almost hesitantly hugged you back.

"I missed you too [F/N]."

You pulled away from him, staring into his eyes.

"I thought I would never see you again... I was so worried..."

An android beside him stepped forward, and you finally noticed her. You were surprised you hadn't noticed her before. She was very beautiful. Her long hair was brushed to the side, her dress curving around her in all the right places. You felt a little self conscious standing next to her. Connor followed your gaze to her.

"[F/N]... I should introduce you," Connor put a hand on the androids shoulder. "This is North. She is my partner." He paused, analyzing your reaction. "In human terms, you might say she is my girlfriend."

And in that moment, there was nothing. You no longer heard the people passing by you, the voices from inside the cafe, the sounds of the traffic on the nearby road. All you heard was a ringing noise coming from yourself. Girlfriend? Connor had a girlfriend? How did you not know about this? Why didn't Connor tell you? You tried to quickly compose yourself again, but you couldn't stop your bottom lip from quivering.

"North, this is [F/N]," Connor gestured to you. "We worked together on the Deviant cases a year ago."

You gathered all your courage and put your hand out. You forced a smile that you hoped looked real.

"It's nice to meet you North."

"It's nice to meet you too," She finally smiled, returning the handshake.


Instead of spending your time in the cafe hearing about Connor's life throughout last year, you awkwardly sat as what seemed to be a third wheel on a date. It made you feel very awkward and uncomfortable. You weren't sure how you were supposed to feel. You had known Connor for so long. Why didn't he mention this girlfriend to you? Why didn't Lieutenant Anderson say anything? Did he not know either? These thoughts rushed through your mind, as you absently listened to the conversation of North and Connor. Things about a man named Markus you thought you heard, and other things about the revolution. You felt... upset? Of course, you should be happy for Connor, but you were hurt and you couldn't deny it. North met your gaze, and you thought you saw recognition in hers. She noticed you were hurt. North then stood up, excusing herself, moving towards the bathroom, a very human thing to do you thought. You met Connor's gaze then looked away. You could tell that Connor was analyzing your face, and you didn't like the idea.

[ON-GOING] Detroit: Become Human x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now