Born Deviant (RK900 x Creator!Reader)

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Word Count: 3661

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Just a little more. You leaned closer to the android, his head open and exposed. With shaking hands, you moved wires and gently added the chip that would display his AI when scanned. Letting out a breath, you placed the final component, and leaned back in your chair, removing your thirium stained gloves. Gently, you closed his head compartment, and it sealed shut, as if there was never an opening there in the first place. You wheeled your chair in front of the android.

It was perfect. Your best creation, without a doubt. Elijah Kamski would be proud of you. You may even be promoted to head android creator. You couldn't help but let your lips spread into a wide smile.

"RK900. Power on."

First, you watched as the LED flashed to life, a warm blue colour. Then the RK900's eyes fluttered open, to reveal steely silver eyes. It gazed at you, analyzing, then it's eyes moved to analyze it's own hands.

"Please state your serial number and release date."

"RK900 #313 248 317 -87."

Good. It seemed to all be in working order. You scrawled notes in your book. Without looking up, you made a vague gesture.

"Stand up for me."

You heard the chair groan as the weight of the android was released, and you looked up, letting out a gasp as you took in the full height of the machine. It was huge. He would make a good bodyguard. You rose from your own chair, but still felt slightly intimidated under the piercing gaze of the RK900.

"RK900. My name is [F/N] [L/N]." The android blinked, taking in the information. "You are the latest prototype created by Cyberlife. I would like you to meet my superior, Elijah Kamski."


"Could you please run some self scans while I am away?"

Without another word, the android closed it's eyes, and from the pulsing LED, you could tell it was scanning.

You began clearing space on your desk, all the while trying to calm your racing heart. You couldn't believe it had turned out so well. You couldn't wait to show Mr Kamski what you had created.

You had been away from your studio for over an hour, and although you hadn't intended to leave the android alone for so long, you weren't too worried. That android was programmed well, and you were certain that he wouldn't cause a disturbance.

When you finally had Mr Kamski's attention, he followed you up the corridor towards your workshop.

"I hope this android is all you say it is," Mr Kamski murmured disinterestedly, gazing at his reflection through the glass windows.

"I insist Mr Kamski, you won't be disappointed." You beamed back at him, your hand on the doorknob. You pushed open the door, and it let out a slight creak. The lights instantly came to life, illuminated your cluttered studio. The RK900 stood in the middle of it, eyes gazing steadily forward. When you made a move towards it however, it's eyes moved to focus on you.

"Mr Kamski, here it is. The RK900!" You gestured excitedly to the tall android. "He's based off the RK800 model, but I have added some other little additions."

"I don't care about that. Let's see if it works," Mr Kamski interrupted, moving a hand to point at himself. "RK900. Register me in your database as your creator and owner, Elijah Kamski."

The RK900 blinked slightly, and to your surprise, it's eyes trailed from him to you.

"Error. That position in my database is already registered."

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