Chapter 21

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*Mitch's POV*

My baby died tonight. And along with him, my heart died.

I'm done with these bitches.

I swear to God I am.

Chyna ain't gonna see me ever again. I put that on everything.

*Peache's POV*

I woke up and all I saw on Instagram was get well soon Mitch.

I immediately called him.

The phone rang.

Me: Hey... Are you okay?

Mitch: Yeah I'm okay it wasn't me who was hurt it was Chy she was raped and my baby died.

I was lost for words. This changes everything.

I only left him because he got somebody else pregnant.

Because I felt like he would no longer be mine. But now I just feel so bad.

Me: Omg Mitch I am so sorry are you okay??? I'm so sorry that is so sad like I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I hope that you could live through this.

Mitch: Thank you Peach. Imma just go away for a while. I need a break from all this, Imma go up with my cousins in Jamaica and just take life in.

Me: Wow I'm so sorry... I hope you feel better.

Mitch: Thank you Peaches. I love you.

I froze for a minute. But I figured that wouldn't hurt.

Me: I love you too. I hope you feel better.

And he hung up.

At that very moment Stefan walked in.

Stefan: Who was that?

I didn't want to lie. But I didn't want to tell the truth.

Me: That was Mitch.

Stefan: Wow... What the fuck Peaches!!! You want that nigga go have him don't play with my heart man a nigga really ain't on this bullshit!!!

Me: no I don't want him. His baby died. I'm sorry I just felt bad.

Stefan: damn man I'm taking my kids and we going to see they mama you figure out what you wanna do. Whether you wanna be with a nigga or not!!!!

Me: No baby please.... I'm sorry I will not talk to him anymore I promise that to you.

Stefan: Man Peaches bye.

It was a knock on the door.

I tried to clean myself up before I answered.

I looked through the peep hole and saw my little brother.

Mike Mike: Wassup sexy lady

I swear this boy made my day so much better. He was the real love of my life.

Me: Hi baby I miss you. Look how tall you are, you is a grown ass man out here man!!!

Mike Mike: I love the kids baby😂😂

All I could do is laugh with this clown.

Mike Mike: Who you leave here with anyways? Rocko punk ass.

Damn you ain't been around in a while hell nah I don't live here with Rocko I have a whole new boyfriend his name is Stefan. And he has two kids and I have two kids on they way.

Mike Mike: Damnnnn you do look big as fuck but damn I missed a lot. Where my baby mama Quannie?

Mike always had the biggest crush on Quannie.

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