| G R A D U A T I O N |

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I stand beside the stage waiting for my name to be called. I'm actually really nervous, what if I fall or even worse what if I like throw up. My palms start to feel extremely sweaty and I start to shake.

I look over at the crowd and I see my dad, the Avery/ Stanford family, and the why don't we boys. Tyrone couldn't make it because his graduation was also today and I couldn't make him miss his for mine.

I see Daniel make eye contact with me and throw up a heart with his hands. "You got this" is what I see him mouth. I smile widely towards him and all my nerves and fears go away.

"Kelly Smith"

I step onto the stage and I hear my family cheering and I hear someone yell

"That's my girl" which was my dad

I shake the mans hand and I accept my diploma. I walk off stage and I take my seat

"I know present our class of 2018!" My principle yells out and we all throw our hats up in the air.

I eventually find my hat and I walk towards where my dad is. I see him and I immediately run up and hug him "I'm so proud of you and if your mother was here to watch you right now she would be so happy" I start to tear up and hug him again

"Congratulations Kelly" I hear and I look down I see Isla

"Thank you" I hug her tightly and I see Kristin come towards me and engulf me in a hug


I thank her and Sydnie comes around and then Ava.
To my surprise jack comes over and hugs me also "congrats" I smile somewhat and then the rest of the boys come over and hug me.

"Congrats beautiful" Daniel whispers to me and I smile

"Thank you"

Battle Scars // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now