She has battle scars.
They're marks on her skin that proves the battles she has won, and the ones she has lost.
No, these battle scars weren't created by a whom, they were created by a disease.
Kelly Smith fortunately and unfortunately, has battle...
"You are so stupid" I say running along Tyrone. "How am I stupid, when you're the one running after me?" He says cocking his head.
"It was your idea to come down to the beach" I catch my breath. Ty hands me my water bottle and I drink it, gaining my oxygen back. He looks at me and I see tears coat his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" I say sitting down, him following along.
"I haven't been there for you. I am always the one that goes to your treatments, let's you cry on my shoulder, let's you cuddle with me when you're upset, and I even let you throw up on my vans. I feel like these boys are taking my spot." He looks at me, straight into my eyes.
"Ty.." I say grabbing his hand
"You will never, and I mean never; be replaced by any of those boys. Out of all of them, you and I have a special connection that nobody will ever understand and we've been through so much. When my m-mom died, when I was diagnosed when I was little and then when I beat it. You were there once again when I relapsed, Tyrone, you have been my brother, longer then I could remember and you have been here. You call me every time I go in for my treatments and you even stay up all night when I have to stay overnight. You will never be replaced. I love you Tyrone." He smiles brightly and engulfs me into a hug.
"I love you too Kelly" he whispers and I feel tears run from my eyes. I loved my relationship with Tyrone and I do love how much he gets along with the boys. He has been there for me, for everything and he always has been. When I cried all night for months after my mom died, he was at my side hugging me until I fell asleep and he was there when I woke up. He has always been there.
"Alright, enough with this sappy shit. Let's go put our feet into the water." He says rubbing his hands together and throws me over his shoulder.
"I hate you" I say hitting his back. "You just said you loved me" he fires back. I smile and poke his back "it's called a big mistake." He scoffs and he runs to the water.
"Ty!" I scream and we are right before the tide. He sets me down and smiles at me. I glare at him and dip my feet in
"This is something I've been wanting to do for two years" Tyrone says and I smile back at him
"I've missed you a lot." I admit and he looks out into the blue, waved waters. "I missed you too. I missed being called double trouble" I laugh at the memory.
"Oh! I forgot to tell you. This happened last year though so don't get your Calvin's in a bunch. I got into a fight with Brittany because she kept saying I slept with you and then I beat her ass and got away with self defense" he laughs and high fives me.
"I got no video?" He throws his hands up.
I shake my head and pull out my phone and show him the video.
"Dayum! Kelly you killed her!" He screams.
"Shut the hell up! You're gonna make it seem like I actually killed someone" I hit his shoulder.
"This was our day" I say hugging Tyrone as we walk back home.
"Our day"
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Liked by - SeaveyDaniel, TyroneJohnson, and 234,848 others. KellySmith - I missed you bubby ♥️